Punish Who? For What? How?

Chris Cuomo says, “And please, show me where it says protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful.” He’s inciting violence with this statement. He’s also clearly wrong and should have learned about the First Amendment in high school. The First Amendment clearly says USA people have the right to peaceably protest. (Swimming in the Deep. Jun 13, 2020.)

Consider the following article that report Chris Cuomo’s violent words against the supporters of President Trump. This is what happens in banana republic countries! It should not be happening in the United States Of America.

Punish Who? For What? How?

The above words are serious words. They relate to the words that were spoken by a major media spokesman, which is also a large supporter of the democrat party.

Click on the following link to read the article that tells of Mr. Cuomo’s opinion of that which should happen to supporters of President Trump. You can also read the article on this page.

Chris Cuomo Threatens Trump Supporters: “They Must Answer for Defending Trump”

Chris Cuomo Threatens Trump Supporters: “They Must Answer for Defending Trump”

From the words of Christ Cuomo, Democrat supporter.

“According to him, “the blame” for President Trump’s refusal to concede “must be put on those who ignore and, therefore, empower,” by which he meant the GOP. He then instructed his viewers to do what murderous regimes throughout history had done: make an enemies list. “I’m telling you. Remember the people who are enabling this fraud. They must answer for defending Trump’s delusions.”

CNN PrimeTime host Chris Cuomo has a very long and well-documented history of not only supporting the left-wing domestic terrorists known as Antifa, but he also has a penchant for resorting to physical violence. So, it was concerning when he rails against Republican lawmakers for several minutes Wednesday, calling them “toxically partisan,” and proclaiming “they are going to lose way more than this election.”

In the past, he has threatened to seriously injure a Trump supporter by throwing him down a flight of stairs, and more recently, he said he wanted to “choke” and “punch” his critics. And in his rant that openly admitted he was politicizing Veterans Day, he let it be known how much he hated Republicans

Happy Veterans Day to the men and women who serve now and who did serve, and to the families. The husbands and wives worrying at home. The kids with missed memories. The brothers and sisters and loved ones wondering when those who risk it all for us to have it all will be home. Thank you to each and all of you. We appreciate, certainly I appreciate your service.

And may we take this message of this day, the ideal of putting nation before self, even committing to the ultimate sacrifice more to heart. Yeah, I’m politicizing it. And I’m looking at you, GOP enablers. And you know why.

“And these GOP cronies know it is over. Shame on you for allowing crazy to become contagious as COVID in your ranks,” he declared.

Cuomo continued his roid rage by suggesting, without evidence, that Trump was installing “loyalists” in the Pentagon because he was planning some kind of villainous military action abroad or possibly at home:

Why do you think Trump is ousting Pentagon leadership and loading up with loyalists? Maybe it’s for troop withdrawal. Maybe it’s to get Russian information released. And maybe it is because he is twisted enough to try to do something way worse.

According to him, “the blame” for President Trump’s refusal to concede “must be put on those who ignore and, therefore, empower,” by which he meant the GOP. He then instructed his viewers to do what murderous regimes throughout history had done: make an enemies list. “I’m telling you. Remember the people who are enabling this fraud. They must answer for defending Trump’s delusions.”

And when complaining about how GOP lawmakers “won’t even say President-Elect Biden in public,” he dehumanized them by comparing them to some of the world’s dictators. “You know who else is doing that? Vladimir Putin, President XI, and Kim Jong-un. Great company,” he sneered.

“Even Karl Rove, remember him? He penned an op-ed saying this is over,” he added. “Do you know how toxically partisan you have to be for Karl Rove to be more fair to Democrats than you? And remember, the shame is that this is a game for them.”

After playing a video of Republicans and Trump campaign officials calling out Democrats for not accepting the results of the 2016 election, that’s then made his apparent threat. “Shame on them. A wax museum is less cold-blooded than these people are. And let them know they are going to lose way more than this election,” he stressed.

Ignoring how some Democrats refused to go to Trump’s inauguration and spend four years claiming he was an “illegitimate” president (including Hillary Clinton), Cuomo showed another montage claiming the opposite.

This is CNN.

Cuomo’s apparent threat to the lives of GOP lawmakers was made possible because of lucrative sponsorships from Liberty Mutual and Humira. Their contact information is linked so you can let them know about the hatred they’re funding.

LifeNews Note: Nicholas Fondacaro writes for Newsbusters, where this originally appeared.

Click On. Bible? Virus? Riots? Rigged Elections? Which will cause, “End Of The World, 2nd Coming Of Christ, Tribulation, Rapture?

I. Introduction. In this article, we will consider the events of today’s world, and historical events, as they relate to the suggested outcomes of personal opinion and Bible prophecy. The USA is dealing with the effects of a virus that began in China. Rioting has been taking place throughout the USA, with the city of Portland, Oregon experiencing 100 days of violent riots, as of September 20, 2020. The many voting irregularities of the November 3, 2020 Presidential election have many Christians and Jews wondering if the USA will survive as a nation that God has used to support His Chosen People of Israel (Deuteronomy 14:2).

A. Video Title. Revelation.

B. Article Title. Bible? Virus? Riots? Rigged Elections? Which will cause, “End Of The World, 2nd Coming Of Christ, Tribulation, Rapture?

C. Article Focus. God’s Plan, or God’s Reaction.

1. Many among Christian and Jewish groups are attributing the current day events to God’s response to today’s lawlessness and turmoil. But, there has been a great lack of misunderstanding of events that have happened in world history that have resulted in far greater deaths than those that are being experienced today. Before anybody assumes that today’s world events will cause God to do anything to His creation, we must consider the great numbers of deaths that have resulted from past wars, disasters, pandemics, natural disasters, and other catastrophies.

a. List of wars and anthropogenic disasters by death toll.

b. List of epidemics.

c. List of natural disasters by death toll.

d. Conclusion. In spite of previous atrocities, pandemics and wars, with deaths that greatly surpass those of today, God has not responded with the end of the world, the second coming of Christ, the Tribulation, or the rapture of the believers in Christ. God has a plan for His creation that will not be thwarted by events that come as a result of His creation’s bad behavior, or by the effects of nature or anything else that may happen in this world (there is no mother nature!).

II. Today’s World. God’s Plan. The Times Of The Gentiles; The Fullness Of The Gentiles.

A. The Times Of The Gentiles…The Fulness Of The Gentiles. In the Book, “Things To Come,” written by J. Dwight Pentecost, there is a good study on this subject on pages 303-304 (re Romans 11:25-27). Pg 303, in Lk 21:24, Christ referred to the “times of Gentiles” as continuing as long as Jerusalem is “trodden down of the Gentiles.” The reference in Luke is to the political domination of Jerusalem by Gentiles which began with the fall of Jerusalem at the time of the captivity and has continued to the present day. While the terminology is not significant in itself from the context of the two passages involved, it seems clear that the expression “times of the Gentiles” has reference to political domination of Gentiles, while the expression “fullness of the Gentiles” has reference to Gentile blessing and opportunity in this present age. If this analysis is correct, the times of the Gentiles and the fullness of the Gentiles are two entirely different ideas. The times of the Gentiles began long before Christ, and will continue until Christ returns to establish His kingdom. The fullness of the Gentiles began at Pentecost and will continue only as long as the present age of grace. From the standpoint of eschatology, the important point is that the fullness of the Gentiles will come to its close before the times of the Gentiles are run out …{“it seems clear that the fulness of the Gentiles will come abruptly to its close when the church is caught up to heaven” (John Walvoord, “Israel’s Blindness, July, 1945}.

B. The MacArthur Study Bible adds the following note on Romans 11:25 (Times Of The Gentiles): “Until” refers to a specific point in time; “fullness” refers to completion; “has come in” translates a Gr. verb often used to speak of coming salvation (Mt 5:20, Mk 9:43, 45, 47; Jn 3:5, Ac 14:22). Israel’s spiritual hardening (which began with rejecting Jesus as Messiah) will last until the complete number of elect Gentiles has come to salvation.)

C. The Ryrie Study Bible explains the time of Tribulation and Second Coming of Christ in Mt 24:3 note: Christ speaks of the end of the age in vs 4-28. Vs 4-14 lists the characteristics of the first half of the Tribulation period, whereas vs 15-28, deal with the second half. In vs 29-31 Christ speaks of his second coming. Zech 12:10, At the second coming of Christ, Israel will recognize Jesus as her Messiah, acknowledging with deep emotion that He was the One whom their fathers pierced …(Jn 19:37)]

D. Mt 24:31 is not the rapture; neither is Mt 24:40-41. Zech 14:1-5 and Rev 19:11-21 tell of Christ returning “to earth” with his saints and angels (as opposed to the rapture in the air, Jn 14:2-6, 1 Cor 15:50-54, 1 Thes 4:13-18). Zech 14:9,11, tells of Christ taking His throne, with peace finally coming to earth. The 1000 year millennial reign of Christ (Kingdom age, Rev 20:4) will follow the tribulation (Rev 6:1-19:21) and the 2nd coming of Christ (Mt 24:29-31). The rapture of the church will occur prior to the Tribulation, when the predetermined number of Gentiles has come to saving faith in Christ, which will occur during the Church age of grace. The tribulation will follow the rapture (Rev 6:1-19:21), being followed by the Kingdom Age (Rev 20:1-10), and the Great White Throne Judgment (Rev 20:11-15, where unbelievers of all ages are cast into the lake of fire). The destruction of the world in which we live will follow the Great White Throne Judgment (2 Pet 3:7-12, Rev 21:1). The eternal state of new heaven, new earth, and new Jerusalem, will follow the destruction of the former (Rev 21:1-1).

E. Re: Rom 11:25. God has determined “a fullness” of Gentiles (the number of saved Gentiles). Then, the rapture of the church (born again believers in Christ) will take place. The fullness of the Gentiles is based on God’s measure, and doesn’t happen in, and of, itself.

F. Credentials.

1. Charles C. Ryrie (Th.D, Ph.D.) (Deceased).

2. J. Dwight Pentecost (Th.M., Th.D.) (Deceased).

3. John F. Walvoord (Th.M., Th.D.) (Deceased).

4. John MacArthur (M.Div., Litt.D., D.D.). Walvoord has made reference to McArthur’s writings.

III. The Cause Of Today’s World’s Problems.

A. Upon the completion of God’s creation of our world, and all that is contained, the words “very good,” are found in Genesis 1:31 to assess the condition of the newly created world. Everything that is found in Chapters one and two of Genesis show perfection; without error, without sin (1 Tim 4:4).

B. Sin entered the world through the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden (Gen 3:1-13).

C. A curse on all of God’s creation followed the fall (Gen 3:14-19), which included death (Gen 2:17; Rom 5:12). There were no human or animal life before the creation in the Garden. There was no death of pre-Adamic cavemen, or dinosaurs of billions of years ago. The perfection of Genesis chapters 1 and 2, is no longer present in our world, and will not return until the time of the eternal state (Rev 21:3-4).

D. The world in which we now reside is affected by the effects of the fall of Adam and Eve, and the resulting curse, and is shown in the words of Ephesians 6:12: “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Such sin from the fall and the curse, causes pandemics, riots, and election rigging. Such persistent sin is evidence of people not having been born again, not having the righteous influence of the indwelling Spirit of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Jn 3:3; 14:20; 16:7-14), NOT HAVING BEEN SAVED!

IV. Considering References. Everybody reads something that someone else has written. It has been my goal to study the works of pastors, seminary instructors, and authors of books, who have a history of being respected for their works by others of their peer groups. No conclusion that I draw comes without having also been such a conclusion coming from one of my sources of information. A list of my sources of information can be found on my website Page, “About Sources.” https://equippingblog.wordpress.com/about-sources/

V. Translation Considerations. “The New American Standard Bible (NASB) translation was chosen for this, and other studies, because of two main reasons. First, the NASB capitalizes the first letter of pronouns that relate to God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit); not all Bible translations show that same respect for God. Second, the NASB has a history of correctness in translation.”


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Philadelphia Election Center Refuses To Let Trump Officials Watch Vote Counting Despite Court Order

In the United States, Election Day is the annual day set by law for the general elections of federal public officials. It is statutorily set by the Federal Government as “the Tuesday next after the first Monday in the month of November” equaling the Tuesday occurring within November 2 to November 8.

Notice that Election Day is held on the first Tuesday of November. Ballots are to be cast and counted on that Tuesday, and not on any other day. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Election_Day_(United_States)

In this election context, the President and Republicans are calling for “all legal votes” to be counted. In opposition, the former VP and democrats are calling for “all votes” to be counted. If this election is stolen, all Americans will be greatly affected, whether Independent, Democrat or Republican, and our country may never recover.

Global News: Trump senior adviser Corey Lewandowski, alongside Former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, announced on Thursday that an appellate court had granted Republican observers the right to enter the Philadelphia building where poll workers were counting ballots and observe the process. (See more details at the bottom of this page.)

As you read the details of this article, consider the affects that voter fraud will have on the children of those who are causing, and allowing such fraud. Children are being shown how that it is okay to be untruthful. This situation is but one of many that will be polluting the minds of so many impressionable children. Adults that engage in such voting fraud should be ashamed of the things that they are doing, or are allowing to be done, that are clearly dishonest. Every American should be appalled at the attempts that are being taken to altar the results of this most recent Presidential election.

Consider the next story about the refusal to keep Trump Officials from observing the vote count.

Philadelphia Election Center Refuses to Let Trump Officials Watch Vote Counting Despite Court Order

See the details of the Philadelphia Election Center Refusing To Let Trump Officials Watch Vote Counting Despite The Court Order.

Philadelphia Election Center Refuses to Let Trump Officials Watch Vote Counting Despite Court Order

Chaos is currently ensuing in the city of Philadelphia, where the election headquarters is refusing to allow Trump campaign officials to watch the vote counting process despite a court order from a state court permitting them to be 6 feet away from election workers tabulating the votes in order to monitor potential fraud.

Earlier in the day, in a huge victory for the campaign of President Donald trump, a Pennsylvania appeals court has ruled that the Trump campaign can monitor the ballot counting in the contested battleground state. Trump campaign observers had previously been pushed away in Philadelphia sometimes as much as 100 feet away, where they were unable to properly observe the fairness and accuracy of the counting.

Justin Clark, Trump 2020 Deputy Campaign Manger and Senior Counsel, responded to the ruling, which he labeled a major victory:

“In a major victory for election integrity, election transparency, all Pennsylvania voters, and the rule of law, the Trump Campaign has prevailed in our suit challenging our Republican poll watchers’ complete lack of any meaningful access to the ballot processing and counting process.

“The eyes of the country are on Pennsylvania, but Pennsylvania Democrats, led by their radical left Secretary of State whose only goal is to steal this election from President Trump, has kept eyes off of the absentee ballot counting process. That ends now in Philadelphia.

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“As a result of this incredible legal victory, the lower court’s order has been reversed. Now, according to the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania, ‘all candidates, watchers, or candidate representatives’ shall ‘be permitted to be present for the canvassing process’ and ‘be permitted to observe all aspects of the canvassing process within 6 feet, while adhering to all COVID-19 protocols, including, wearing masks and maintaining social distancing.’

“For the good of the nation, every Pennsylvania county should follow the lead of this judge and provide access for observers to ensure transparency and integrity in Pennsylvania. That is the only way to ensure a fair, transparent election in which all Pennsylvania voters can have confidence their vote will count.”

Meanwhile, Trump’s presidential campaign has filed another lawsuit in a contested battleground state seeking to ensure the integrity of the presidential election. The Trump campaign’s lawsuit filed to ensure election integrity in Georgia comes after a similar lawsuit in Michigan and legal action in the state of Pennsylvania.

The Trump team wants to ensure that only legal ballots cast on election day are counted so the final vote reflects a fair process that follows the law.

“President Trump and his team are fighting for the good of the nation to uphold the rule of law, and Georgia’s law is very clear: to legally count, mail ballots must be received by 7:00 p.m. on Election Day. That’s still the law, even after Democrats sued earlier this year to extend the deadline and delay Election Day—President Trump and Republicans fought to uphold Georgia law, and we won,” Justin Clark, Deputy Campaign Manager and Senior Counsel said in a statement.

“But today, a Republican poll observer in Georgia witnessed 53 late absentee ballots illegally added to a stack of on-time absentee ballots in Chatham County. We will not allow Democrat election officials to steal this election from President Trump with late, illegal ballots. President Trump and the Georgia Republican Party have filed suit to require all Georgia counties to separate any and all late-arriving ballots from all legally cast ballots to ensure a free, fair election in which only legal, valid ballots count,” he added.

He continued: “We look forward to the court swiftly resolving this issue and to President Trump’s upcoming repeat win in Georgia.”

Yesterday, the Trump campaign filed a lawsuit in the state of Pennsylvania to ensure the integrity of the legal vote counting process there. And in a conference call with reporters, campaign manager Bill Stepien: “We are declaring a victory in Pennsylvania.”

The Trump campaign has taken legal action to ensure that that legal ballot counting process is not compromised and Justin Clark, Trump 2020 Deputy Campaign Manager, says the campaign has filed suit to intervene in current litigation in the state about which ballots can be counted and the integrity of that ballot counting process.

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“This is the most important election of our lifetime, and President Trump made clear our path forward last night: ensure the integrity of this election for the good of the nation. Bad things are happening in Pennsylvania. Democrats are scheming to disenfranchise and dilute Republican votes. President Trump and his team are fighting to put a stop to it.

“Pennsylvania’s unhinged, radical left Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar has tried her hardest to bake in a backdoor to victory for Joe Biden with late, illegal ballots in collusion with the partisan state supreme court. The United States Constitution is clear on this issue: the legislature sets the time, place, and manner of elections in America, not state courts or executive officials. As the President has rightly said, the Supreme Court must resolve this crucial contested legal question, so President Trump’s Campaign is moving to intervene in the existing Supreme Court litigation over the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s unlawful extension of the mail-in ballot receipt deadline. The law is on President Trump’s side: as the Eighth Circuit just said, to change the ballot receipt deadline is in fact a change of the time, place, and manner of the election—and only a state legislature or the United States Congress can do that under the Constitution.

“In addition to the Trump Campaign’s motion to intervene in Pennsylvania Republican Party v. Boockvar, we are taking two additional critical legal actions today to ensure the integrity of Pennsylvania’s election. We are suing to stop Democrat election officials from hiding the ballot counting and processing from our Republican poll observers—observers whose only job is to make sure every valid ballot is counted, and counted once. The eyes of the country are on Pennsylvania, but Pennsylvania has kept eyes off of the absentee ballot counting process all along, and that must stop today. In Philadelphia and elsewhere, Democrat officials forced our observers to stay 25 feet or more from the counting process, leaving no meaningful way whatsoever for our observers to do their jobs. We are also suing to temporarily halt counting until there is meaningful transparency and Republicans can ensure all counting is done above board and by the law.

“The Trump Campaign is also suing to stop Pennsylvania Democrats from breaking the very law that helps America vote—the Help America Vote Act (HAVA). While HAVA requires that states ensure certain first-time voters provide identification in order to vote, Secretary Boockvar—three days ago—re-wrote Pennsylvania Election Code to abuse her unilateral executive fiat and move the deadline for absentee and mail-in voters to provide missing proof of identification well past the deadline. Without our action, Pennsylvanians, and possibly all Americans, may be forced to wait yet another several days for the outcome of the election – all because of the Secretary’s ridiculous eleventh-hour guidance that directly violates the Election Code.

“With these key actions, President Trump is telling all Americans he will do whatever it takes to ensure the integrity of this election for the good of the nation.”

The campaign of President Donald trump has filed a lawsuit in the state of Michigan after it says election officials there prevented its officials from observing the vote counting process. The campaign wants to ensure the integrity of the vote tabulation in the key battleground state that is one of several that will determine the outcome of the election.

The decision comes after the Trump team indicated it will request a recount of the votes in Wisconsin.

With the outcome of the 2020 presidential election still very much in doubt and recounts, investigations and potential lawsuits likely looming, the head of President Donald trump campaign said yesterday morning he believes the president has a pathway to victory based on their estimation of the remaining battleground states.

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See more of the video details of an appellate court that had granted Republican observers the right to enter the Philadelphia building where poll workers were counting ballots and observe the process.

All eyes were on U.S. election results out of Pennsylvania Wednesday as neither Donald Trump or Joe Biden had the 270 Electoral College votes needed to win the White House.

Trump leads by just under 600,000 votes in Pennsylvania as of 9 a.m. on Wednesday. Biden chances in the Keystone state will hinge on whether he can win a large percentage of the more than 1.4 million absentee ballots that are still to be counted.

For more info, please go to https://globalnews.ca/news/7439991/u-…

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Click On, What We Were Not Told About The ACA (Affordable Care Act)

This article comes from an article that was written by the CATO Institute.

Consider the Cato Institute


The Cato Institute is a public policy research organization — a think tank — dedicated to the principles of individual liberty, limited government, free markets, and peace. Its scholars and analysts conduct independent, nonpartisan research on a wide range of policy issues.

Consider the article, which relates to The Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.

Five Problems with Democrats’ “Preexisting Conditions” Strategy


Democrats think preexisting conditions will once again carry them to electoral victory. Despite their own liabilities and callousness on the issue, they’re probably right.

In 2018, Democrats accused Republicans of wanting to deny health care to the sick. Exhibit A, they said, was the GOP’s attempt to repeal ObamaCare’s popular preexisting-conditions provisions. The accusation worked. Democrats flipped a net 41 House seats to take control of the chamber. Conventional wisdom considers the outcome to be proof that ObamaCare is (finally) popular with voters.

In 2020, Democrats are deploying the same strategy. A meritless yet somewhat successful Republican-led legal challenge to ObamaCare now sits before the Supreme Court. Oral arguments will occur mere days after the election and mere days after the GOP replaces the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg with a jurist who is unlikely to approach ObamaCare with the same reverence Ginsburg did: 7th Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Amy Coney Barrett. This confluence of events again enables Democrats to accuse Republicans of wanting to deny care to the sick by eliminating ObamaCare’s popular preexisting-conditions provisions.

1. Congressional Republicans didn’t try to repeal ObamaCare’s preexisting-conditions provisions.

2. ObamaCare’s preexisting-conditions provisions deny care to the sick.

3. ObamaCare’s preexisting-conditions provisions deny coverage to the sick.

4. ObamaCare’s preexisting-conditions provisions are not popular.

Click On Before You Vote, Consider Choice and Those Having None

***Abby Johnson, “I know what abortion smells like”*** |

Consider the following discussion of the procedure that destroys an unborn baby.

In the baby there is a beating heart.

The human heart is an organ that pumps blood throughout the body via the circulatory system, supplying oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and removing carbon dioxide and other wastes.

“For the life of the flesh is in the blood,” Deuteronomy 17:11.

Abortion kills 1,000 black babies every day in America.

Abortion is not just a woman’s issue. It’s a human rights issue. Click onto the following link.)

Genocide: Black Abortions in America

Today, with more than 28% of all black pregnancies ending in induced abortion, it is a human crisis.

Abortion is the number one killer of black lives in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, abortion kills more black people than HIV, homicide, diabetes, accident, cancer, and heart disease … combined.

In 2014, African-American women comprised 13.3% of the U.S. population, but black women had 36% of all abortions.

Visit the websites below to learn more about the genocide of black babies in America.

Do black lives really matter? Consider the next video.

A Philadelphia abortion doctor has been charged with eight counts of murder in the deaths of a woman patient and seven babies that prosecutors say were born alive and then killed with scissors.

An unborn baby has no choice, and is innocent of any offense that would result in death.

Democrats are clear in their position on the killing of unborn babies. Republicans do not have that position. Former Democrat President Bill Clinton said that abortions should be “safe, rare and legal;” two of those aspects of killing babies have gotten lost somewhere. Of course, Former Democrat President John Kennedy said, “ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country;” Democrats have destroyed the initiative for work. As a former democrat and union worker, I am appalled at how the party of my family, and of my youth, has been commandeered by baby-killing Marxists.

The video of Kamal Harris (a trojan horse presidential candidate) states that equality of outcome is her goal. In her view of America, there will be no incentive for anyone to excel, if everyone receives the same pay and same outcome. If Democrats win the White House, Senate and House of Representatives, we can all say, “Good Bye America!”

The Harris/Biden administration will support abortion up to death, and will force all taxpayers to pay for abortions.

FACT: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Support Abortions Up to Birth at Taxpayer Expense

Democrat presidential team Joe Biden and Kamala Harris support aborting unborn babies without restriction and want to force taxpayers to pay for them.

Abortion is the number one killer of black lives in the United States. Do black lives really matter?

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Click On, “We’re about to go into a dark winter.” (Encouragement????)

The opening video is from the final presidential debate between President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden. Does Biden instill hope and encouragement for Americans? But, maybe Joe didn’t listen to two other democrats who said that, “everything is ok!”

So, let’s consider the words of other democrats, who have said that they don’t go along with the “dark winter” assessment. As an American, I still am free to offer the following thoughts.

Let’s consider the news report of CBS New York on Feb 8, 2020:”The flu has been much deadlier than the Corona Virus so far this winter.”

New York City, Gregg Bishop (Democrat), Department Of Small Businesses Services being interviewed.

Feb 8, 2020. City Officials Urge New Yorkers To Visit Chinatown Amid Coronavirus Outbreak. CBS New York. Amid the coronavirus outbreak, New York City officials are reminding the public that it’s safe to head to Chinatown.

Remember the quote from the CBS report: “Health officials say that The flu has been much deadlier than the Corona Virus so far this winter.”

Let’s consider the news report from San Francisco on Feb 24, 2020.

Pelosi: “Virus fears shouldn’t stop Chinatown trips; it’s very safe to be in Chinatown”

(24 Feb 2020) U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi took a walking tour of San Francisco’s Chinatown Monday to let the public know the neighborhood is safe and open for business. Pelosi, a Democrat who represents the heavily Chinese American city, visited the Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Factory, whose owner Kevin Chan, says his business and others are down 70% since the outbreak of the new coronavirus. “You should come to Chinatown,” Pelosi said before stopping to lunch at Dim Sum Corner. “Precautions have been taken by our city, we know that there’s concern about tourism, traveling all throughout the world, but we think it’s very safe to be in Chinatown and hope that others will come,” she said.

Let’s hear it again from Pelosi, but from ABC News in the following report.


Nancy Pelosi’s Pandering.

Pelosi Comments Of Safe To Go To Chinatown February 24, 2020

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made a point of taking a walk through San Francisco’s Chinatown on Monday to show that it is safe, after some merchants have seen a 50% drop in business as some fear they could be exposed to the coronavirus.

As her visit began, a large portion of Chinatown had lost power. That didn’t deter the Speaker from walking along Ross Alley and Grant Avenue.

“I’m here,” she said. “We feel safe and sound with so many of us coming here. It’s not only to say it’s safe but to say thank you for being Chinatown.” 

So, what does “encouraging Joe” mean when he says, “we’re about to go into a dark winter?” Does it mean that he will be like what most other democrat mayors and governors have done, by: locking down their cities and states and causing businesses to go “out of business:” by closing churches and synagogues….while allowing riots to go on with no concern for the China spawned virus to be spread among rioters, and with no concern for the cities and businesses that were burned, and law enforcement officers being attacked by “so called peaceful protestors?” (I could go on). Georgia and Florida had close elections for their Governors in their last elections, with dem elites taking the side of the losing dem candidates. Those two states are open and functioning safely.

Concerning VP Joe (who most think will be a trojan horse for Harris), we have nothing to go on, except for the words that he has spoken. He has said that he will lock down our country; I believe him, and have already voted against him, because of my fear that he will lead fellow dems to destroy our Constitution. As I have said previously, I grew up in a union family, and have been a union member. But, I also have an investigative nature about me, and have researched the facts that MSM has been reluctant to do, or has refused to do.

I do not want our country to be shut down and be forced to depend on dem handouts!

Btw, did you see anybody in any of the videos wearing protective masks? (Do as I say, not as I do???)

Click On, Who Said “No New Fracking?” Consider The Job Effects!

Listen to the above words of Presidential Candidate Biden, carefully, especially about the loss of jobs in America.

1. Does anybody remember $5.00 per gallon gas prices during the Obama/Biden administration? Click on and gasp!

a. Calif. gas prices spike at $5 per gallon

b. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/business/2012/10/06/calif-gas-prices-spike-at-5-per-gallon/1616773/

2. Does anybody remember the adverse effects that the Arab Oil Embargo had on America in 1973-74?

a. Does anybody remember the long gas lines during the embargo, and not all service stations having gasoline?

b. The OPEC oil embargo was a decision to stop exporting oil to the United States. On October 19, 1973, the 12 OPEC members agreed to the embargo. Over the next six months, oil prices quadrupled. Prices remained at higher levels even after the embargo ended in March 1974. A review of the history of oil prices reveals they’ve never been the same since. The chart below tracks both nominal and inflation-adjusted oil prices since 1946. During the OPEC oil embargo, inflation-adjusted oil prices went up from $25.97 per barrel (bbl) in 1973 to $46.35 per barrel (bbl) in 1974.

c. https://www.thebalance.com/opec-oil-embargo-causes-and-effects-of-the-crisis-3305806

3. Does anybody remember the rationing, and odd-even days, for buying gasoline, and a nation’s speed limit of 55 MPH to conserve fuel?

a. In 1973 and again in 1979, drivers frequently faced around-the-block lines when they tried to fill up. Drivers would go to stations before dawn or late at night, hoping to avoid the lines. Odd-even rationing was introduced — meaning that if the last digit on your license plate was odd, you could get gas only on odd-numbered days.

b.Back in the ’70s, some gas stations took to posting flags — green if they had gas, yellow if rationing was in effect and red if they were out of gas. To cut energy consumption in the broader economy, daylight saving time was introduced year-round at the beginning of 1974, facing criticism from parents whose kids had to go to school before sunrise in the winter months.

c. https://www.npr.org/sections/pictureshow/2012/11/10/164792293/gas-lines-evoke-memories-oil-crises-in-the-1970s

4. How The Fracking Revolution Broke OPEC’s Hold On Oil Prices

a. The “fracking revolution” caused U.S. oil production to turn upward in 2009, and then rise over the next seven years at the fastest rate in U.S. history. While it is true that OPEC still produced 42.6% of the world’s oil in 2017, the majority of new oil production since 2008 has come from the U.S. Of the 10.3 million BPD (barrels per day) of new oil production since 2008, the U.S. supplied 6.2 million BPD (60%). The world’s two other major oil-producing countries, Saudi Arabia and Russia, saw their production increase by 1.7 million BPD and 1.2 million BPD respectively since 2008.

b. OPEC overall increased its production by 3.6 million BPD since 2008, primarily as a result of production growth in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Iran. But OPEC’s gains were limited by production declines in Venezuela, Libya, and Nigeria. There were also regional production declines in Europe, Asia, Africa, and South and Central America. Also notable is that Canada and Mexico are major oil producers (although Mexico’s production has been declining). Overall, North America supplied 20 million BPD of the world’s oil in 2017 (22%). This was ahead of every other region of the world except for the Middle East, which produced 31.6 million BPD, or 34.1% of the world’s total.

c. According to the BP Statistical Review, the U.S. now leads both Saudi Arabia and Russia in crude oil production. It is hard to overstate the consequences of the fracking revolution, because the U.S. oil production surge broke OPEC’s stranglehold on global oil prices. Every country in the world would likely have paid much higher oil prices over the past decade if the new oil boom in the U.S. hadn’t happened, further enriching OPEC and Russia in the process.

d. https://www.forbes.com/sites/rrapier/2018/07/22/how-the-fracking-revolution-broke-opecs-hold-on-oil-prices/?sh=5ca4986648ef

5. Consider the strength of the U.S. being the world’s leader in the exportation of all oil products.

a. As of 2014, the United States was the world’s third largest producer of crude oil, after Saudi Arabia and Russia, and second-largest exporter of refined products, after Russia. In November 2019, the United States became a net exporter of all oil products, including both refined petroleum products and crude oil.


6. Considering the upcoming elections.

a. It is good for the USA to be energy sufficient, especially in view of the past years when we were under the hard hand of OPEC oil pricing and distribution. To vote for Harris/Biden is to vote for higher gas prices, and for OPEC to once again dictate oil prices and availability of Americans, as well as for many lost jobs in the oil industry and, in collateral oil dependent businesses.

b. I have not heard of any Democrat saying that they want to protect our nation from the adverse affects of eliminating fracking. A vote for a Democrat, any Democrat, is a threat to our nation’s energy independence, and an invitation for us to return to the days when our nation’s security was highly dictated by the whims of OPEC.

c. It is a fact that not until the Trump/Pence administration took office that the U.S. has become energy self-sufficient. By the way, I grew up in a Democrat family. My father was a merchant seaman and a union member; he also walked picket lines. I have also been a union member.

Consider the above words of the proposed Harris/Biden administration leader, in relation to “no fracking.”