Matthew 13 (2 of 2)

I. Video.  Matthew Chapter 13 (2 of 2)

A. Title. The Parable of the Weeds Explained – The Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl – The Parable of the Net – A Prophet Without Honor

B. Data:  LuisetReneeandBill.

C. Scriptures. Matthew Chapter 13:36-58. 

II. J. Dwight Pentecost, Th. M., Th. D. 1915-2014; Things To Come

The Course of this Present Age.

p140. The age from the rejection of the Messiah by Israel unto his reception by Israel at His second advent is outlined in two portions of the Word: Matthew 13 and Revelation 2 and 3; the former from the viewpoint of God’s kingdom program, and latter from the viewpoint of the church program.

Matthew 13.

p140. Matt 13 reveals that our Lord is speaking in order that He may give the course of the “mysteries of the kingdom of heaven.” This instruction comes through the proper interpretation of the parables which are recorded here. There are three different basic approaches to this chapter. There are, first of all, those who divorce any prophetic significance from this passage and study it only for its spiritual of moral lessons as it affects believers today. Since they emphasize the unity of God’s purpose from the fall of man until the eternal state, they fail to make any distinction between God’s program for Israel and that for the church and, as a consequence, they see only church truth in this portion…..There are those, in the second place, who, recognizing the distinction between Israel and the church, hold that this portion is totally limited to God’s program for Israel and relegate it to a revelation concerning Israel in the tribulation period when God is preparing them for the coming King…..Then, there are those, in the third place, who believe that this potion of scripture gives a picture of conditions on the earth in respect to the placement of the kingdom program during the time of the King’s absence from the earth. These parables describe the events of the entire inter-advent period. Such is the approach to the passage adopted to this study.

p141. The setting of the chapter in the Gospel. The Gospel of Matthew is the Gospel which presents the Lord Jesus Christ as Yahweh’s King and Israel’s Messiah. This 13th chapter holds a unique place in the development of the theme of the Gospel. Throughout the book, Christ is seen in His presentation as Messiah. In chapters 11-12 we see we see the opposition to the King. In chapter 12, the rejection comes to a climax. Now that Israel has rejected the offered kingdom, the question naturally arises, “What will happen to God’s program, now that the kingdom has been rejected and the Kingdom is to be absent. Since this kingdom was the subject of an irrevocable covenant, it was unthinkable that it could be abandoned. This chapter gives the events in the development of the kingdom program from the time of its rejection until it is received when the nation welcomes the King at His second advent.

p143. The mystery form of the kingdom has reference to the age between the two advents of Christ. The mysteries of the kingdom describes the conditions that prevail on the earth in that interim while the king is absent. These mysteries thus relate this present age to the eternal purposes of God in regard to His kingdom.

III. Charles C. Ryrie. B.A., Th. M., Th. D., Ph. D.. Litt. D., (1925-2016).

Chapter 13 Notes.

13:44-46. The parables of the treasure and pearl indicate the incomparable value of the kingdom, which will cause a man to do everything to possess it. Another possible interpretation equates the man with Christ (as in v. 37) who sacrifices His all to purchase His people.

13:47-50. Similar to the parable of the wheat and tares. Both genuine and professing people will coexist in the kingdom, to be separated at the end of the age.

13:55. “his brothers.” These were the sons of Joseph and Mary subsequent to the birth of Jesus. To understand them as sons of Joseph by a former marriage, or cousins of Jesus, is contrary to the visual sense of “brothers.”

IV. Scofield Reference Bible. C. I. Scofield. D.D., 1843-1921). 

Chapter 13 Notes.

13:45-46. The pearl of great value.

Such, then, is the mystery form of the kingdom. (See Scofield “ :-“) . See Scofield “ :-“. It is the sphere of Christian profession during this age. It is a mingled body of true and false, wheat and tares, good and bad. It is defiled by formalism, doubt, and worldliness. But within it Christ sees the true children of the true kingdom who, at the end, are to “shine forth as the sun.” In the great field, the world, He sees the redeemed of all ages, but especially His hidden Israel, yet to be restored and blessed, Also, in this form of the kingdom, so unlike that which is to be, He sees the Church, His body and bride, and for joy He sells all that He has 2 Corinthians 8:9 and buys the field, the treasure, and the pearl. end of the consummation of the age. Matthew 24:3.

V. John F. Walvoord. A.B., M.A., Th. B., Th. M., Th. D., D.D., Litt. D. (1910-2002).
(1910-2012) long-time president of Dallas Theological Seminary, was one of the most prominent evangelical scholars of his generation. He is considered perhaps the world’s foremost interpreter of biblical prophecy

The parable of the mustard seed is also found in Mark 4, where it is related to the kingdom of God. This has supported the view of many that the kingdom of God and the kingdom of heaven are identical, as they are occasionally found in parallel passages. There is some indication in Scripture, however, that the kingdom of heaven emphasizes the professing character of the kingdom as including unbelievers who look like believers, as illustrated in the tares, in contrast to the kingdom of God, containing only true believers. It is significant that the kingdom of God is not compared to the second parable, that of the wheat and the tares, as those in the kingdom of God are genuine believers. Putting Matthew and Mark together, the conclusion can be reached that both the number of true believers (the kingdom of God) as well as the sphere of profession in the present age (the kingdom of heaven) will grow rapidly. This is in contrast to the future millennial kingdom, which Christ will bring at His second coming, which will begin abruptly as a worldwide kingdom, rather than as a product of gradual growth.

VI. Dr. Thomas L. Constable., A. B., Th. M. Th. D. Synoptic Problem

Matthew recorded increasing polarization in this section. Jesus expanded His ministry, but as He did so opposition became even more intense. The Jewish leaders became increasingly hostile. Consequently Jesus spent more time preparing His disciples. Jesus revealed Himself more clearly to His disciples, but they only understood some of what He told them. They strongly rejected other things He said. The inevitability of a final confrontation between Jesus and His critics became increasingly clear. The general movement in this section is Jesus withdrawing from Israel’s leaders (Matthew 13:54 to Matthew 16:12) and preparing His disciples for His passion (Matthew 16:13 to Matthew 19:2).

VII.  My Bucket List shows the references that I consult, of theologians and printed resources, whenever I write an article that will be posted. Please find the Pages of my site to find Bucket List.

VIII. My Websites To Follow Eternity Thy Kingdom Come

Author: Eternity

The Church is the Church, and Israel is Israel. The Church did not replace Israel, and is not spiritual Israel. In the New Testament, “church” and “Israel” are mentioned as being separate entities. In the New Testament “church” is mentioned 112 times; Israel is mentioned 79 times; both are mentioned as being separate entities The Kingdom “has not yet come,” and will not come until the Jewish bloodline of Israel accepts God’s chosen king (Deuteronomy 17:15), which will take place at the end of the Tribulation when the nation of Israel faces decimation and calls on Messiah, Christ, in faith, to save them (Zechariah 12:10). Individual salvation is of the Jews (John 4:22), and comes through Christ (John 14:6). Things are discussed in this website that relate to God’s creation, from “eternity to eternity,” and all that is addressed within those parameters. Consider Isaiah 43:13, “Even from eternity I am He, And there is no one who can rescue from My hand; I act, and who can reverse it?” The Moody Study Bible adds a comment: “God is the ruler of all, and there is nothing that can stand against Him. His will is irresistible. The Bible Knowledge Commentary adds this thought: “No one can reverse what God puts into action or thwart His plans.” The articles that are found in this site may relate to anything that is found in the Bible, from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21. I would like to add a word of caution concerning blog writing and personal security. Many of my followers reside in foreign lands, of which many are hostile to the Word of God. Therefore, I will not provide my name, place of residence, or anything else that could lead a person to know anything about me. I recommend that all writers adopt the same method of personal security.

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