Daniel Prophecy – Introduction

How does the information in the book of Daniel fit into the  information found in  Revelation?

I. Video Data.   John Ankerberg Show. Dr. John Ankerberg (M. Div., D. Min.), Dr. Jimmy DeYoung (M. Div., Ph. D., 1940-2021).

II. Introduction.  I apologize that I have had to republish this article. Please read the final parting thought on the Obadiah Prophecy, as it relates to God’s overall prophecies of Major and Minor Prophets.

A. Dr. C.I. Scofield (D. D.; 1843-1921) Scofield Study Bible (1909, 1917, 1937, 1945, 1984, 1998, 2002, 2006, Editor, C.I. Scofield, Editorial Revision 1967 Committee Members: Charles L. Feinberg, Th. B., Th. M., Th. D., Ph. D., John F. Walvoord, Th. B., Th. M., Th. D.)

1. Daniel, like Ezekiel, was a Jewish captive in Babylon. He was of royal or princely descent (Daniel 1:3). For his rank and comeliness he was trained for palace service. In the polluted atmosphere of an oriental court he lived a life of singular piety and usefulness. His long life extended from Nebuchadnezzar to Cyrus. He was a contemporary of Jeremiah, Ezekiel (Daniel 14:20), Joshua, the high priest of the restoration, Ezra, and Zerubbabel.

2. Daniel is the indispensable introduction to New Testament prophecy, the themes of which are, the apostasy of the Church, the manifestation of the man of sin, the great tribulation, the return of the Lord, the resurrections and the judgments. These, except the first, are Daniel’s themes also.

3. But Daniel is distinctively the prophet of the “times of the Gentiles” (Luke 21:24). His vision sweeps the whole course of Gentile world-rule to its end in catastrophe, and to the setting up of the Messianic kingdom.

4. Daniel is in four broad divisions: Introduction. The personal history of Daniel from the conquest of Jerusalem to the second year of Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 1:1-27; 1:21). The visions of Nebuchadnezzar and their results (Daniel 2:1-27; 4:37). The personal history of Daniel under Belshazzar and Darius (Daniel 5:1-27; 6:28). The visions of Daniel (Daniel 7:1-27; 12:13).

5. The events recorded in Daniel cover a period of 73 years (Ussher).

B. Dr. Charles C. Ryrie (Th. M., Th. D., Ph. D., Litt. D., 1925-2016). Ryrie Study Bible.

The Prophet. Daniel, whose name means “God is my judge,” was a statesman in the court of heathen monarchs. Taken captive as a youth to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar in 605 B.C., he spent the rest of his long life there as a governmental official and as a prophet to the true God. He claimed to have written this book (12:4), and Jesus Christ identified him as a prophet (Matt 24:15; Mark 13:14). Since he did not occupy the prophetic office, the book is found in the third division of the Hebrew Bible, the “Writings,” rather than in the second, the Prophets. Throughout his life, he was uncompromising and faithful to his God.

C. Dr. John F. Walvoord. (Th. B., Th. M., Th. D., 1910-2002). Daniel Commentary. 

The book of Daniel, according to its own testimony, is the record of the life and prophetic revelations given to Daniel, a captive Jew carried off to Babylon after the first conquest of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar in 605 b.c. The record of events extends to the third year of Cyrus, 536 B.C., and, accordingly, covers a span of about seventy years. Daniel himself may well have lived on to about 530 b.c, and the book of Daniel was probably completed in the last decade of his life. Although Daniel does not speak of himself in the first person until chapter 7, there is little question that the book presents Daniel as its author. This is assumed in the latter portion of the book and mentioned especially in 12:4. The use of the first person with the name Daniel is found repeatedly in the last half of the book (7:2, 15, 28; 8:1,15, 27; 9:2, 22; 10:2, 7, 11, 12; 12:5). As most expositors, whether liberal or conservative, consider the book a unit, the claim of Daniel to have written this book is recognized even by those who reject it.

D. Dr. J. Dwight Pentecost.  (Th. B., Th., D., 1915-2014)Things To Come.

1. Page 314. The Gentiles In The Tribulation. There is a divine program for the Gentile nations that is to come to fulfillment in the tribulation period. A great body of prophecy is devoted to this subject, which must be developed in order to have a clear picture of the events of the tribulation.

2. Page 314. “The tribulation and the times of the Gentiles.” The time period that is called by the Lord “the Times of the Gentiles” in Luke 21:24, where He says: “Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled,” is one of the important time periods in prophetic Scriptures. The relation to Israel to the tribulation has been studied. Consideration is now given  to the events related to the Gentiles as attention is directed to the “times of the Gentiles.”

3. Page 315. “The duration of the times of the Gentiles.” “The times of the Gentiles” has been defined by the Lord as that period of time in which Jerusalem was under the dominion of Gentile authority (Luke 21:24). This period began with the Babylonian captivity when Jerusalem fell into the hands of Gentiles. It has continued unto the present time and will continue through the tribulation period, in which era the Gentile powers will be judged. The dominion of the Gentiles ends at the second advent of Messiah to the earth. 

4. Page 316. “The course of the times of the Gentiles.” The fullest description of the period is given to us in the prophet Daniel. What we have in Daniel is …. the course and character of Gentile powers, from the destruction of Jerusalem onto the appearing of Christ, together with the position of the remnant, and the sufferings of the Jewish people, while the Gentiles possess the dominion, until at last God, in His faithfulness in pursuance or His purposes, interposes, and for His own glory, works for the rescue and blessing of His elect earthly people. 

E. Dr Michael Rydelnik. (Th. M., D. Miss.) The Moody Bible Commentary. 

The book of Daniel is set during the Babylonian captivity. The book opens after King Nebuhadnezzar’s first siege of Judah (605 B.C.), when he brought Daniel and his friends to Babylon along with other captives of the Judean nobility. Nebuchadnezzar assaulted Judah again in 597 B.C. and brought 10,000 captives back to Babylon. In 586 B.C. he once again besieged Jerusalem, but this time destroyed the city and the holy temple, and exiled the people of Judah to Babylon.  Daniel’s ministry began with the arrival of the first Jewish captives in Babylon (605 B.C.), extended throughout the Babylonian captivity (539 B.C.), and concluded some time after the third year of the Medo-Persian king, Cyrus the Great (537/536 B.C.).

F. Dr. Ron Rhodes (Th.M., Th. D.) 40 Days Through Daniel. 

Page 8. Daniel was born into a royal family (1:3, 6 ) and was apparently physically attractive (1:4). He became one of the major prophets of the Old Testament; his name means “God is my judge.” He was uncompromising in his faithfulness to God. His contemporaries  acknowledged both his righteousness and his wisdom (See Ezekiel 14:14, 20: 28:3). There were actually three deportations involved in Babylon’s victory over Juday. The first took place in 605 B.C., and included Daniel and his friends. The second took place in 597 B.C., and included Ezekiel. The third took place in 586 B.C., when the Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem and the temple. 

G. Dr. Grant R. Jeffrey (Th. M., Ph. D., 1948-2012). Countdown To The Apocalypse. 

Pages 6-8. While serving in Babylon’s royal courts, Daniel saw remarkable visions and interpreted inspired dreams. Many of his visions foretold the upheaval in the world that came to pass more than two thousand years ago. In fact, the fulfillment of those prophecies verify that Daniel was truly God’s prophet. His predictions came true exactly as they were given. However, many of Daniel’s most intriguing prophecies describe events that are still to come. Daniel’s ancient Babylonian prophecies give us a precise time line that reveals the sequence of events and the amount of time that will separate the major developments of the last days. 

H. Dr. David Hocking. Daniel Commentary. (B. A. in Bible, Greek and Ancient History; M. Div. in Biblical Studies & Systematic Theology; Ph. D. in Biblical Studies and Languages; D. Min. in Pastoral Studies)

Introduction. Daniel predicts in detail all of the nations of the world from Babylon forward, to Antiochus Epiphanes. Daniel told of Medo-Persia before it existed. He talked about Greece before it came into being. He explained the break-up of the empire of Alexander the Great, and the four generals who followed him, as well as the coming Roman Empire. He described the battles of Prolemies and Seleucids over Israel in the break-up of Alexander’s Grecian Empire. He gives it blow by blow, and king by king. The historical accuracy of Daniel, Chapter 11, is unquestioned. Therefore, some people say there is no way he could have written this book before it happened. From the third century A.D., there have been people writing against this book. There isn’t a book in the Bible that is so clearly predictive in its prophecy, and so accurate! It has been substantiated by history outside of the Bible.

I. Dr. James A. Borland, (M Div., Th. M., Th. D. Th. D.) Liberty Commentary Bible.

The book of Daniel is most commonly divided into two parts, nearly equal in length – the historical and the prophetical.The historical portion begins with young Daniel’s capture by Nebuchadnezzar and his subsequent deportation to Babylon, and it ends with Daniel being freed after spending a night in a den of lions, some seventy years later. The prophetical portion covers visions and prophecies received by Daniel during the years of his historical sojourn in Babylon and Persia.

J. Dr. Stephen R. Miller (Th. D.; Ph. D.) The New American Commentary, Daniel Prophecy. 

Introduction. As the book opens, the reader is introduced to a young Daniel, being taken captive to Babylon by King Nebuchadnezzar in 605 B.C. Since Daniel, the author, also recorded the downfall of Babylon (539 B.C.) and subsequent events, he must have resided in Babylon from 605 B.C. until about 535 B.C. According to the testimony of the book, therefore, Daniel lived throughout the entire Neo-Babylonian period, and even into the time of Persian dominance. He lived a long, eventful life and a mystery that spanned about  seventy years. If Daniel was taken into captivity at about fifteen years of age, he would have lived to the age of about eighty-five years. Tradition has assigned two locations to Daniel’s tomb: in the royal vault in Babylon, a little west of the acropolis, and in one of the Synagogues of Susa. 

III. Parting Thought.

 A. We are now embarking on a very interesting and important part of Scripture. The Book of Daniel, as well as the other Old Testament Jewish books of prophecy were addressed to the nation of Israel. God gave prophecy to Jewish prophets who, In turn, gave those same words of God to Jews. Context is key to understanding Scripture; we will keep that key at the door of every prophecy that we unlock. As these prophecies become fulfilled in the Tribulation, and Kingdom Age of the Millennium, we will see how Gentiles enter the arena of judgment or blessing. In the Tribulation, unsaved Gentiles will come under the same judgments that God will be pouring out on the earth on all, Jews or Gentiles, who will have been left behind from the Rapture.  In the Kingdom Age, Gentile believers will be grafted into the blessings of Israel that will be fulfilled in accordance with the fulfillment of the Abrahamic Covenant. We, who are saved Gentiles, are heirs of the Abrahamic Covenant, but will have to wait until the Kingdom Age when “heirs will  receive their blessings” upon the will of the Abrahamic Covenant “being probated.” Opening videos will continue to be a part of each article, but there may be difficulty in matching each article with a corresponding Daniel video. Needless to say, a great wealth of information can be obtained from each, and all, of the videos that will be posted.

B. You will notice a change in the title of one of the websites that is listed below in my bucket list. That which had been named “Equipping The Saints,” has been renamed as “Commentary Preparation.” The reason for the name change is that I will be creating articles that are more suited for a Bible commentary. I will be changing the content and format of articles that you may have already read. I will make each article much easier to read and understand. In time, books of articles will be completed and made available for publishing and distribution via bookstores and on-line purchases. However, anyone who follows my Commentary Preparation site, will have access to the finished commentaries as soon as each one has been published on my site. 

C. As you read through the Bible, it is important to understand that words are important to be understood by their proper meaning and in their proper context. Here are three words that have especially important meanings: Israel means Israel; church means church; Babylon means Babylon. It is also important to understand that prophecies of the Bible will be fulfilled.

D. Obadiah Prophecy. Dr. Walter L. Baker (B.A., Th. M., D.D.) Bible Knowledge Commentary. The Book of Obadiah contains a prophecy that is different from other Old Testament Words of God. In a sense, Obadiah is a miniature profile of the message of all the writing prophets. In his thumbnail sketch, the Prophet Obadiah spoke of God’s judgment on unbelieving Gentiles who oppressed the nation Israel. He also wrote of God’s grace to believing Israel. This double thread is woven throughout the Major and Minor prophets.

IV. My Bucket List shows the references, of people and documents, that I use when I write my articles.


V. My Websites To Follow.

https://equippingblog.wordpress.com/ Eternity

https://untotheleastofthese.home.blog/ Commentary Preparation

https://thechurchoftheopendoor.wordpress.com/ Israel Website

https://success2693.wordpress.com/ Israel, History And Prophecy


Revelation Prophecy – Chapter 22

How does John describe the new Jerusalem?

I. Video Data.   John Ankerberg Show.  Dr. John Ankerberg (M. Div., D. Min.), Dr. Ron Rhodes (Th.M., Th. D.), Dr. Ed Hindson (Th. M., Th. D., D. Min., Ph. D.),  Dr. Mark Hitchcock (Th. M., J.D. Ph. D.)

II. Introduction. Dr. C.I. Scofield (D. D.; 1843-1921) Scofield Study Bible (1909, 1917, 1937, 1945, 1984, 1998, 2002, 2006, Editor, C.I. Scofield, Editorial Revision 1967 Committee Members: Charles L. Feinberg, Th. B., Th. M., Th. D., Ph. D., John F. Walvoord, Th. B., Th. M., Th. D.), and others.

A. 22:1-5: The new paradise; its river and tree of life. B. 22:6-19: The Last Message of the Bible. C. 22:20-21: Conclusion.

III. Overview.

A. Dr. Kendell H. Easley (M. Div.; Ph. D.) The Book of Revelation, Holman New Testament Commentary.

1. 22:1-5: Jesus Among His People Forever. 2. 22:6-16: Divine Authority of the Prophecy, 3, 22:17-21: Nearness of Christ’s Return. 

B. Dr. David Jeremiah. (Th. M., D.D.) Jeremiah Study Bible.

1. 22:1-5: The River Of Life. 2. 22:6-11: The Time Is Near. 3. 22:12-17: Jesus Testifies To The Churches. 4. 18-19; A Warning. 5. 22:20-21: I Am Coming Quickly. 

C.  Dr. John Phillips (D. Min; 1927-2010) Revelation Commentary.

1. 22:1-5: John’s Final Impressions. 2. 22:6-10: The Faithful Word Of God. 3. 22:11-16: The Finished Work Of Christ. 4. 22:17-21: The Final Witness Of The Spirit.

D. Dr. Daniel Green (Th. D., D. Min.) The Moody Bible Commentary.

1. 21:1-22:5: The New Heaven And New Earth. 2. 22:6-21: The Concluding Message.  

E. Dr. Robert L. Thomas  (Th. M., Th. D.; 1928-2017). Revelation Commentary.

1. 21:9-22:5: The Holy City. 2. 22:6-7: The Testimony Of The Angel. 3. 22:8-11: The Testimony Of John, 4. 22:12-20: The Testimony Of Jesus And John’s Response. 5. 22:21: The Grace Of The Lord Jesus Be With All.

F. Dr. Charles L. Feinberg (Th. B., Th. M., Th. D., Ph. D., 1909-1995). Liberty Commentary Bible.

1. 22:1: The River Of the Water Of Life. 2. 22:2. The Tree Of Life. 3: 22:3a: The Removal Of The Curse. 4. 22:3b: The Throne Of God And Of The Lamb. 5. 22:3c-4: The Bliss Of The Godly. 6. 22:5a-5b: The Absence Of Darkness.  7. 22:5c: The Saints Reign. 8. 22:6: The Validity Of The Message. 9: 22:7a. The Coming Of Christ. 10: 22:7b: The Blessedness Of The Obedient. 11. 22:8-9: John’s Reaction To The Revelation. 12: 22:10-19: The Angel’s Final Words. 13: 22:20: The Testimony Of Christ To His Coming. 14. 22:21: Benediction.

G. Dr. John F. Walvoord (Th. B., Th. M., Th. D., 1910-2002) The Revelation of Jesus Christ. 

“The whole of the things described in the remaining portion of the book are subsequent to the general judgment, and descriptive of the consummation of the triumph and bliss of Christ’s people with Him in the eternal kingdom of God: 1. 22:1-2a: The river of the water of life. 2. 22:2b: The tree of life. 3. 22:3-4: The throne of God. 4. 22:5: The saints’ reign with God. 5. 22:6-7: The certainty of the return of Christ. 6. 22:8-9: The worship by John. 7. 22: 10-11: The Command  to proclaim the prophecy of the book. 8. 22:12:  The coming judgment and reward. 9. 22:13: The eternal Christ. 10. 22:14-15: The coming blessing and judgment. 11. 22:16-17: The invitation of the Spirit and the Bride. 12. 22:18-19: The final warning. 13. 22:20-21: The final prayer and promise. 

H. Dr. J. Dwight Pentecost (Th. B., Th., D., 1915-2014) Things To Come.

1. p494. By establishing the theocracy on earth for a thousand years, under the Messianic theocratic King, God has accomplished His purpose of demonstrating His rule in the sphere in which that authority was first challenged. By merging this earthly theocracy with the eternal kingdom, God’s eternal sovereignty is established. Such was the purpose of God in planning the theocratic kingdom and developing it through successive stages throughout history until it reaches the climax of the program in the theocracy under the enthroned Christ in the millennium. That authority, which Satan first challenged, Christ has now demonstrated belongs safely to God. God’s right to rule is eternally vindicated. 2. p561. After the dissolution of the present heaven and earth at the end of the millennium, God will create a new heaven and a new earth (Isa 65:17; 66:22; 2 Pet 3:13; Rev 21:1). By a definite act of creation, God calls into being a new heaven and a new earth. As God created the present heavens and earth to be the scene of His theocratic display, so God will create the new heavens and earth to be the scene of the eternal theocratic kingdom of God.

IV. Scripture Text. Revelation Chapter 22 (NASB 1995). Link pasted from Bible Gateway. 

V. Verse Examination. Revelation 202.

Dr. Charles C. Ryrie (Th. M., Th. D., Ph. D.; 1925-2016) Ryrie Study Bible).

A. 22:1-2. These descriptive phrases indicate fullness of life and continuous blessing in the New Jerusalem. B. 22:3-5. The “curse” and all darkness will be excluded, and service, communion, and reigning will be the believers’ privileges. C. 22:8-9. Again, John is commanded not to worship angels (see 19:10). D. 22:11. When Christ comes there will be no more opportunity for a man to change his identity. What he is then he will be forever. E. 22:12. Salvation is not of works  but rewards are. F. 22:14. “Blessed are those who wash their robes.” I. e., believers. G. 22:15. “dogs.” Not animals, but people of low character (cf. Phil 3:2). H. 22:16-17. Jesus is gracious because (1) He gave the book of Revelation to the churches, (2) as the son of “David: he will fulfill Israel’s promises, (3) He is the “moring star,” the precursor of the new day, and (4) He offers the “water of life” freely. I. 22:18. For similar OT warnings against additions or omissions, see Deut. 4:2; 12:32; Prov. 30:6. J. 22:20. “Yes, I am coming quickly.” The third occurrence of this promise (see VV. 7, 12). The believer’s reaction is “Do come quickly, Lord Jesus!”

VI. Summary.

Dr. Orville J. Nave, Nave’s Study Bible, 1978 (D.D., LL. D., 1841-1917). Orville J. Nave (Editor). Anna Seamans Nave (Editor). In this twenty-second chapter of Revelation, we see” 1. The river and tree of life. 3. The blessedness of God’s servants. 6  .The conclusion: sundry directions, promises, and exhortations. 18. Nothing may be added to, or taken from, the words of this book.

VII. Parting Thought. The Kingdom which will come.

A. Dr. Andy Woods (Th. M., J. D., Ph. D.)



1. The biblical story of the kingdom begins as early as the Garden of Eden. Here, God placed Adam and Eve in a position of authority over God’s creation. Gen 1:26-28 says:

“Then God said, ‘Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.’ God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. God blessed them; and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth.'”

2. It should be noted that Adam and Eve were given authority over the physical realm (fish, birds, living things that move on the earth). Here, God arranged for humanity’s first couple to govern God’s creation on God’s behalf. The technical term for this hierarchy is the office of Theocratic Administrator. This term simply refers to someone who governs for God. In other words, God ruled the world indirectly through the first Adam.

3. However, Satan soon took the form of a serpent with the specific goal of perverting and reversing this divinely ordained hierarchy. Instead of governing the physical world for God, Adam and Eve were influenced by creation (the serpent) to rebel against God (Gen 3). Such rebellion represented a top to bottom reversal of God’s original intention for the office of Theocratic Administrator. Satan’s success in inciting this rebellion effectively removed the office of Theocratic Administrator from the earth, as Satan became the ruler of the world (Luke 4:5-8John 12:3114:3016:112 Cor 4:4Eph 2:2). What then is the story-line of the Bible? It is how this office is restored through the messianic kingdom. Just as God the Father originally intended to indirectly govern the physical world through the first Adam, He will one day govern the world through the Last Adam or God the Son.

4. The restoration of the physical kingdom or office of Theocratic Administrator as the dominant theme of the Bible has been recognized by numerous theologians.  

5. The universal kingdom is eternal, comprehensive, and under God’s direct rule. By contrast, the theocratic kingdom is futuristic, earthly, and under God’s indirect rule. God’s theocratic, mediatorial kingdom is a vast, sweeping subject from the first book of the Bible to the last.

B. Alva J. McLain,   (A.B., LL, D., D.D., B. D., Th. M.) The Greatness Of The Kingdom, p 81.

(1) When the last enemy of God is put down by our Lord, as the Mediatorial King, the purpose of the Mediatorial Kingdom will have been fulfilled (1 Cor 15:25-26). (2). At this time, Christ will hand over the Mediatorial Kingdom to God, to be merged into the eternal Kingdom, so that the Mediatorial Kingdom is perpetuated forever, but no longer having a separate identity (1 Cor 15:24, 28). (3). This does not mean the end of our Lord’s rule. He only ceases to rule as a Mediatorial King. But, as the eternal Son, second person the one true God, He shares the throne with the Father in the final Kingdom (Rev. 22:3-5; cf 3:21). 

C. Merriam-Webster Dictionary. mediatorial: of, relating to, or appropriate to a mediator

D. The importance of Prophecy. The prophecies that are written in the Bible will happen.

1. The Coming Kingdom. Jesus told Jews to pray for the Kingdom to come (Matt 6:10). At the end of the Tribulation Israel calls on Jesus to save them from utter annihilation (Zech 12:10). Jesus ascends from Heaven to earth and saves Israel (Rev 19:11-21). The Kingdom has come, and Jesus rules and reigns over the earth from Jerusalem for 1,000 years in the Kingdom Age (Rev 20:4). After 1,000 years Jesus turns over the Kingdom to God (the Father) (1 Cor 15:24-28). But, as the eternal Son, second person the one true God, He shares the throne with the Father in the final Kingdom (Rev. 22:3-5; cf. 3:21).  The Kingdom will come and the eternal state will immediately follow.

2. We will follow this study of the Book of Revelation with the prophetic studies of Daniel, Zechariah, Ezekiel and Matthew. Dr. Jimmy DeYoung (Deceased) said that Daniel is the timeline of the Gentiles, and Ezekiel is the timeline of the Jews; Zechariah also has a sizeable amount of Jewish prophetic flavor in its teachings. The audience of Matthew is Jewish, and tells of the offer of the Kingdom, only to Israel, and of their rejection of that offer. The preaching of Jesus and His disciples went only to Jews. There was no church at the time of the preaching of Jesus to the Jews. Jesus said that He was going to build His church, which did not happen until after His death, burial and resurrection, and ascension to Heaven. Matthew tells of the time that exists between the first and second advents of Christ, and of the time of the Tribulation and Kingdom age, all of which was taught to Jews. 

VIII. My Bucket List shows the references, of people and documents, that I use when I write my articles.


IX. My Websites To Follow.

https://equippingblog.wordpress.com/ Eternity

https://untotheleastofthese.home.blog/ Commentary Preparation

https://thechurchoftheopendoor.wordpress.com/ Israel Website

https://success2693.wordpress.com/ Israel, History And Prophecy

Revelation Prophecy – Chapter 21

What will the new heaven and the new earth be like?

I. Opening Video. John Ankerberg Show. John Ankerberg (M. Div., D. Min.); Ron Rhodes (Th. M., Th. D.) ; Mark Hitchcock (Th. M., J.D., Ph. D.)

II. Introduction.  Dr. C.I. Scofield (D. D.; 1843-1921) Scofield Study Bible (1909, 1917, 1937, 1945, 1984, 1998, 2002, 2006, Editor, C.I. Scofield, Editorial Revision 1967 Committee Members: Charles L. Feinberg, Th. B., Th. M., Th. D., Ph. D., John F. Walvoord, Th. B., Th. M., Th. D.).

A. 21:1-8: The new heaven, new earth, and the new Jerusalem. B. 21:9-27: The Lamb’s wife; the new Jerusalem.

III. Overview.

A. Dr. Kendell H. Easley (M. Div.; Ph. D.) The Book of Revelation, Holman New Testament Commentary.

1. 21:1-8: The Holy Bride City – New Jerusalem. 2. 21:9-21: Description of the Heavenly City and Its Splendor. 3. 21:22-27: The Lord as the Light of All Nations at Last.

B. Dr. David Jeremiah. (Th. M., D.D.) Jeremiah Study Bible. 

1. 21:1-8: All Things Made New. 2. 21:9-21: The New Jerusalem. 3. 21:22-27: The Glory of the New Jerusalem. 

C.  Dr. John Phillips (D. Min; 1927-2010) Revelation Commentary. 

1. 21:1-8: The Bright New World. a. 21:1: It is planned as a new creation. b. 21:2: It is provided with a new capital. c. 21:3-4: It is prepared for a new community. d. 21:5-8: It is protected by a new constitution.

2. 21:9-22:5: The Brand New City. a. 21:9-14: John’s first impressions. b. 21:15-27: John’s further impressions.

D. Dr. Daniel Green (Th. D., D. Min.) The Moody Bible Commentary.

Revelation 21: The New Heaven and New Earth. 

E. Dr. Robert L. Thomas  (Th. M., Th. D.; 1928-2017). Revelation Commentary.

One might expect the judgment of the Great White Throne to end the last of the seven last plagues, but it does not. One more scene remains. It may seem inappropriate to call this scene a plague or a bowl judgment, but alongside the future bliss of the saints (21:1-7) comes an indication of the exclusion of those in the lake of fire from the promised blessings of the new creation (21:8). So, besides the structural features that indicate a continuation of the last plague in this section, the continuing theme of misery and punishment shows how this section belongs in the scroll of judgments first introduced in chapter 5.

F. Dr. Charles L. Feinberg (Th. B., Th. M., Th. D., Ph. D., 1909-1995).

1. 21:1: Passing of the Old Heaven and Earth. 2. 21:2-7: New Jerusalem. 3. 21:8: The Portion of the Ungodly. 4. 21:9: The Wife of the Lamb.5. 21:10-27: Description of the New Jerusalem.

G. Dr. John F. Walvoord (Th. B., Th. M., Th. D., 1910-2002) The Revelation of Jesus Christ.

Following the judgment of the great white throne depicted in the closing verses of chapter 20, John’s attention is next directed to the new heaven and the new earth which replace the old heaven and the old earth which fled away (20:11). The expression “And I saw” is the first of three such statements in this chapter marking the major elements of the revelation (cf. 21:2, 22). The new heaven and new earth presented here are evidently not simply the old heaven and earth renovated, but an act of new creation (cf. discussion at 20:11). No description is given of either the new heaven or the new earth in verse 1 except for the cryptic statement “There was no more sea.” There is remarkably little revealed in the Bible concerning the character of the new heaven and the new earth, but it is evidently quite different from their present form of existence. Most of the earth is now covered with water, but the new earth apparently will have no bodies of water except for the river mentioned in 22:2.

H. Dr. J. Dwight Pentecost (Th. B., Th., D., 1915-2014) Things To Come. p561, 562 .

1. After the dissolution of the present heaven and earth at the end of the millennium, God will create a new heaven and a new earth (Isa. 65:17; 66:22; 2 Pet. 3:13; Rev 21:1). By a definite act of creation, God calls into being a new heaven and earth to be the scene of the eternal “theocratic kingdom” of God (italics, mine). 

2. Israel’s covenants guarantee that “people the land,” a national existence, a kingdom, a King, and spiritual blessings in perpetuity (italics mine). Therefore, there must be an eternal earth in which these blessings can  be fulfilled. By a translation out of the old earth, Israel will be brought into the new earth, there to enjoy forever all that God has promised to them. Then, it shall be  eternally true, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people (Rev 21:3). The creation of the new heavens and new earth is the final preparatory act anticipating the eternal kingdom of God. It is now true that God has a kingdom “where dwelleth righteousness” (2 Pet 3:13). 

3. In relation to the eternal destiny of the church saints, it is to be observed that their destiny primarily is related to a Person, rather than a place. While the place looms with importance (John 14:3), the place is overshadowed by the Person into whose presence the believer is taken.

IV. Scripture Text. Revelation Chapter 20 (NASB 1995). Link pasted from Bible Gateway. 

V. Verse Examination. Revelation 21.

Dr. Charles C. Ryrie (Th. M., Th. D., Ph. D.; 1925-2016) Ryrie Study Bible).

A. 21:1. “a new heaven and a new earth.” The present creation  will be destroyed so that it may be cleansed from all the effects of sin (2 Pet 3:7, 10. 12). No more “sea” because the climactic and human conditions will be completely different.

B. 21:2. “new Jerusalem.” This heavenly city will be the abode of all the saints (Heb 12:22-24), the bride of Christ (vv. 9-10), and the place Christ is preparing for His people (John 14:2). During the Millennium the New Jerusalem will be suspended over the earth, and it will be the dwelling place of all believers during eternity (as is emphasized in 21:1-8). 

C. 21:3-4. People will enjoy a new intimacy with God and the elimination of those sorrows that sin brings.

D. 21:8. Those whose lives can be characterized in these ways will be cast into the lake of fire, because they have shown themselves to be unbelievers. “brimstone” = sulphur.

E.21:11. The city will shine with the “glory of God,” like “crystal-clear Jasper,” which will allow that glory to shine “brilliantly.”

F. 21:12-14. Though both Jewish saints and Christian saints will inhabit the city, the names of the “twelve tribes” and “the twelve apostles” are a witness to their continual distinction.

G. 21:16-17. Shaped foursquare like a cube, the city is 1,380 mi (2,220 km) on each face, including height, with a wall 72 ye (66 m) thick. It has been calculated that even if only 25 percent of this space were used for dwellings, 20 billion people could be accommodated spaciously.

H. 21:19-24. Whether these nations and kings are millennial people, or resurrected people in the eternal state, is unclear. In either case, only the redeemed will be allowed to enter the city (v. 27). 

VI. Summary.

Dr. Orville J. Nave, Nave’s Study Bible, 1978 (D.D., LL. D., 1841-1917). Orville J. Nave (Editor). Anna Seamans Nave (Editor).

In this twenty-first chapter of Revelation, we see” 1 A new heaven and new earth. 2 The blessings of God’s people. 8 The doom of the wicked. 9 The heavenly Jerusalem described. 22 No temple there. 23 The light and glory of the city. 27. Nothing that defiles can enter therein.

VII. Parting Thoughts. 

A. Dr. Ryrie’s comment on Revelation 21:8, “Those whose lives can be characterized in these ways will be cast into the lake of fire, because they have shown themselves to be unbelievers.”

B. Revelation 21:8 shows a correlation to 1 Corinthians 6:9-10. 

a. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10: “9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10 nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God.” (This passage is a message to those of us who are present in this age of the church. Each offending identity shows a person who continues in a lifestyle that shows such a person has not been born again, not having the Spirit of God dwelling within their spirit prompting them to righteousness; they will not be caught up in the rapture which will precede the Tribulation, 1 Thess 4:16, “the dead in Christ; 1 Thes 4:17, we who are alive.” Only those “in Christ,” living or deceased, will be caught up by Christ and taken to Heaven prior to the Tribulation.)

b. MacArthur Study Bible note: (1 Corinthians 6 :9-10).

While believers can and do commit these sins, they do not characterize them as an unbroken life pattern. When they do, it demonstrates that the person is not in God’s kingdom. True believers who do sin resent that sin and seek to gain the victory over it (cf. Rom. 7:14–25). fornicators. All who indulge in sexual immorality, but particularly unmarried persons. idolaters. Those who worship any false god or follow any false religious system. adulterers. Married persons who indulge in sexual acts outside their marriage. homosexuals . . . sodomites. These terms refer to those who exchange and corrupt normal male-female sexual roles and relations. Transvestism, sex changes, and other gender perversions are included (cf. Gen. 1:27Deut. 22:5). Sodomites are so-called because the sin of male-male sex dominated the city of Sodom (Gen. 18:2019:45). This sinful perversion is condemned always, in any form, by Scripture (cf. Lev. 18:2220:13Rom. 1:26271 Tim. 1:10).

C. Consider Revelation 21:8.

1. Rev 21:8: But for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.” (This passage comes after the Battle of Gog and Magog (Rev 20:7-8). An assault is mounted on God’s people at the end of the Millennium, not the same as Ezek. 38:1. The large number of rebels will come from the many people born during the Millennium, who, though giving outward obedience to the King (Jesus), never accept Him. Those whose lives can be characterized in these ways will be cast into the lake of fire, because they have shown themselves to be unbelievers. (Ryrie Study Bible, Rev 20:8; 21:8). Rev 20:12 shows “the dead,” as opposed to “the dead in Christ” (1 Thes 4:16), with “the dead” being those who have not been born again, and the “dead in Christ” those having been born again. 

2. All unbelievers, typified by their behaviors in 21:8, will be excluded from the new Jerusalem ( Dr. Daniel Green (Th. D., D. Min.) The Moody Bible Commentary.

3. Consider “cowardly: (Rev 21:8). 1169 deilós (an adjective derived from deidō, “fear-driven”) – properly, dreadful, describing a person who loses their “moral gumption (fortitude)” that is needed to follow the Lord. (Bible Hub).

4. MacArthur Study Bible note. Revelation 21:8.

A solemn, serious warning about the kinds of people who will be outcasts from the new heaven and the new earth in the lake of fire. The NT often goes beyond just citing unbelief in listing character and lifestyle traits of the outcast, so that believers can identify such people (1 Cor. 6:910Gal. 5:19; cf. John 8:31).

5. Consider The New Jerusalem, Revelation 21:2.

A. “And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, made ready as a bride adorned for her husband.”

B. MacArthur Study Bible note.

  1. New Jerusalem. Cf. 3:12Heb. 11:1012:22–2413:14.  This is the capital city of heaven, a place of perfect holiness. It is seen “coming down out of heaven,” indicating it already existed; but it descends into the new heavens and new earth from its place on high. This is the city where the saints will live (cf. John 14:1–3). 
  2. bride. An important NT metaphor for the church (cf. Matt. 25:1–13Eph. 5:25–27). John’s imagery here extends from the third part of the Jewish wedding, the ceremony. Believers (the bride) in the New Jerusalem come to meet Christ (the bridegroom) in the final ceremony of redemptive history (see note on 19:7). The whole city, occupied by all the saints, is called the bride, so that all saints must be finally included in the bride imagery and bridal blessing. God has brought home a bride for His beloved Son. All the saints live with Christ in the Father’s house (a promise made before the church began; John 14:2).

VIII. My Bucket List shows the references, of people and documents, that I use when I write my articles.


IX. My Websites To Follow.

https://equippingblog.wordpress.com/ Eternity

https://untotheleastofthese.home.blog/ Equipping The Saints Website

https://thechurchoftheopendoor.wordpress.com/ Israel Website

https://success2693.wordpress.com/ Israel, History And Prophecy

Revelation Prophecy – Chapter 20

What will the millennial kingdom be like?

I. Video Data.   John Ankerberg Show. Dr. John Ankerberg (M. Div., D. Min.), Dr. Jimmy DeYoung (M. Div., Ph. D., 1940-2021).

II. Introduction. 

Dr. C.I. Scofield (D. D.; 1843-1921) Scofield Study Bible (1909, 1917, 1937, 1945, 1984, 1998, 2002, 2006, Editor, C.I. Scofield, Editorial Revision 1967 Committee Members: Charles L. Feinberg, Th. B., Th. M., Th. D., Ph. D., John F. Walvoord, Th. B., Th. M., Th. D., and others.)

A. 20:1-3 – Satan bound in the abyss during the Kingdom Age.

B. 20:4-6 – Completion of first resurrection; the Kingdom Age.

C. 20:7-9 – Satan loosed at the end of 1000 years; rebellion quelled.

D. 20:10 – Satan cast into the lake of fire.

E. 20:11-15 – Second resurrection and great white throne judgment. 

III. Overview.

A. Dr. Kendell H. Easley (M. Div.; Ph. D.) The Book of Revelation, Holman New Testament Commentary.

(20:1-6)  The Martyrs’ Great Reward. (20:7-10) The Devil’s Final Doom. (20:11-15) The Judge at the White Throne.

B. Dr. David Jeremiah. (Th. M., D.D.) Jeremiah Study Bible. 

(20:1-3) Satan Bound 1,000 Years. (20:4-6) The Saints Reign with Christ 1,000 years. (20:7-10) The Great White Throne Judgment. 

C.  Dr. John Phillips (D. Min; 1927-2010) Revelation Commentary.

(20:1-10) The Great World Threat At the End Of The Millennium. (20:11-15) The Great White Throne At The Beginning Of Eternity.

D. Dr. Daniel Green (Th. D., D. Min.) The Moody Bible Commentary.(20:1-15)

The Millennium.

E. Dr. Robert L. Thomas  (Th. M., Th. D.; 1928-2017). Revelation Commentary.

The twentieth chapter is most famous because of its revelation about the millennial kingdom of Christ, but the first ten verses function primarily as a two-part vision of the doom of Satan. First, comes the period of his enforced restraint (20:1-3), and then his permanent assignment to the lake of fire following a desperate, but unsuccessful, attempt to regain power (20:4-10). The chapter closes with a description of the judgment and commitment of lost human beings to that same lake (20:11-15).

F. Dr. Charles L. Feinberg (Th. B., Th. M., Th. D., Ph. D., 1909-1995).

(20:1-15) The millennial reign of Christ. (20:1-3) The binding of Satan. (20:4-6) The resurrection and reign of the saints. (20:7-10) The final doom of Satan, the Beast and the False Prophet. (20:11-15) The Great  White Throne Judgment. 

G. Dr. John F. Walvoord (Th. B., Th. M., Th. D., 1910-2002) The Revelation of Jesus Christ.

THE REIGN OF CHRIST.  This is one of the great chapters of the Bible. It presents in summary the tremendous series of events which relate to the millennial reign of Christ on earth. In this future period of one thousand years, many expositors believe that hundreds of Old Testament prophecies will be fulfilled, such as that of Jeremiah 23:5-6: “Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth. In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is his name whereby he shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.”

H. Dr. J. Dwight Pentecost (Th. B., Th., D., 1915-2014) Things To Come: P411.

Scripture shows that Israel will be resurrected at the close of the tribulation period, while the church will be resurrected prior to it. The order of events in the resurrection program would be:

(1) The resurrection of Christ at the beginning of the resurrection program (1 Cor 15:23); (2) the resurrection of the church age saints at the rapture (1 Thes 4:16); (3) the resurrection of the tribulation period saints (Rev 20:3-5), together with, (4) the resurrection of the Old Testament saints (Dan 12:2; Isa 26:19) at the second advent of Christ to the earth; and finally, (5) the final resurrection of the unsaved dead (Rev 20:5, 11-14) at the end of the millennial age. The first four stages would all be included in the first resurrection, or resurrection to life, inasmuch as all receive eternal life, and the last would be the second resurrection, or the resurrection unto damnation, inasmuch as all receive eternal judgment at that time. 

IV. Scripture Text. Revelation Chapter 20 (NASB 1995). Link pasted from Bible Gateway. 

V. Verse Examination. Revelation 20.

Dr. Charles C. Ryrie (Th. M., Th. D., Ph. D.; 1925-2016) Ryrie Study Bible).

A. “the abyss.” The place  where all evil spirits will ultimately be consigned. (See note on Luke 8:31).

B. “a thousand years” (mentioned six times in this chapter). Since the Latin equivalent for these words is “millennium,” this period of time is called the Millennium. It is the time when Christ shall reign on this earth (Isa 2:3; Dan 7:14; Zech 14:9). Satan will not be free to work (here in v. 2), righteousness will flourish (Isa 11:3-5), peace will be universal (Isa 2:4), and the productivity of the earth will be greatly increased (Isa 34:1-2). At the conclusion of this time Satan will be loosed to make one final attempt to overthrow Christ, but without success (vv 7-9).

C. 20:4. The occupants of the “thrones” are not identified. Some think they are the 12 disciples (Luke 22:29-30); others that they are the church saints (1 Cor 6:2; 2 Tim 12). “the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony of Jesus.” These are martyrs of the tribulation days who will be resurrected to share the joys of the millennial kingdom.  

D. 20:5. “The rest of the dead.” The wicked dead will be raised and judged after the Millennium. “the first resurrection.” Refers back to the end of  verse 4. This resurrection includes all the righteous (the resurrection of life, John 5:29, and the resurrection of the righteous, Luke 14:14), who will be raised before the Millennium begins. 

E. 20:8. “Gog and Magog.” The worldwide enemies of Christ. Not the same battle as described in Ezek 38-39. See note on Ezek 38:1. The large number of rebels will come from the many people born during the Millennium who, though giving outward obedience to the King, never accept Him. 

F. 20:11-15. Here is pictured the judgment of the unbelieving dead. It occurs at the close of the Millennium; it is based on works in order to show that the punishment is deserved (v 12, though, of course these unsaved people are first of all in this judgment because they rejected Christ as Savior during their lifetimes); and it results in everyone in this judgment being cast into the lake of fire. This is the resurrection of judgment. See note on John 5:29.

G. 20:12. “before the throne,” upon which Christ sits as judge (see v 11, John 5:22, 27). 

H. 20:13. The wicked dead will receive some kind of resurrection body in which they will be tormented forever.

VI. Summary.

Dr. Orville J. Nave, Nave’s Study Bible, 1978 (D.D., LL. D., 1841-1917). Orville J. Nave (Editor). Anna Seamans Nave (Editor).

In this twentieth chapter of Revelation, we consider the following: 1 Satan bound for a thousand years. 4 The first resurrection. 7 Satan let loose again. 8 Gog and Magog. 10 The devil cast into the lake of fire and brimstone. 11 Resurrection and judgment. 14 The second death. 

VII. Parting Thoughts.

This parting thought is made possible by the many Biblical scholars of whom I have been blessed to have read their books, listened to their sermons, and watched many hours of their video teachings. Dallas Theological Seminary and Moody Bible Institute have provided me with the greatest number of references, both individuals and source material, in addition to other highly respected institutions of Biblical instruction. The conclusions that I have drawn come from the study, which has blessed me, of such  highly acclaimed theologians, due to their unending deep studies of God’s Holy Word. There will be repetition to be found in this section. You can check the credentials of my sources of information in this article. You can also check the Pages on this website, and find information on more theologians in the tab, “About My References.”

The twentieth chapter of Revelation is one of the most important of all areas of Scripture, as it shows in a nutshell, the fulfillment of God’s Covenant with Abraham, which is of “land, seed, and blessing,” which travels through the bloodline of “Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.” The bloodline of Isaac and Jacob, being the nation of Israel, is identified in Deu 14:2 as being “God’s chosen people.” 

The “land blessing” of the Abrahamic Covenant, as stated in Gen 15:18-21, shows a promise of God to Israel of a land stretching from the Nile River in Egypt to the Euphrates River in Iraq, with an eternal permanence that God promised in Gen 17:7-8. This land is far larger than the land of Israel that is drawn on maps today. 

The “seed blessing,” of the Abrahamic Covenant, is shown in the Davidic Covenant in 2 Samuel 7:8-16, where a seed of David (Jesus) will reign over David’s Kingdom forever. 

The “blessing” of the Abrahamic Covenant is shown in the New Covenant of Jer 31:31-34, which God will make only with the Jews, such as a change of heart, fellowship with God, knowledge of the Lord, and forgiveness of sins. All of this will be fulfilled for Israel when the Lord returns (Rom 11:26-27), per Ryrie Study Bible. The spiritual blessings of the New Covenant (Ezek 36:24-30) are being experienced by Christians today, such as in the New Birth (John 3:3-8). Water in this passage does not relate to water baptism, but to spiritual cleansing.

The Abrahamic Covenant will not be fulfilled until Christ has returned to earth from Heaven (Mt 24:29-30), at the time of Armageddon, and He rules and reigns over the earth from Jerusalem (Isa 9:6b-7). The governance of Christ over the earth is a fulfillment of the Davidic Covenant (2 Sam 7:12, 13, 16).

The Kingdom does not have an Old Testament length of years attached to the teaching. It is in Revelation Chapter 20. that the length of time is stated as being 1,000 years, which is stated six times in Rev 20 (vs 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7). Just as “Israel means Israel,” “church means church,” and “Babylon means Babylon, “thousand means thousand,” with no wiggle room for any other duration to be inferred. From Ryrie Study Bible, Rev 20:2, ” a thousand years” (mentioned six times in this chapter). Since the Latin equivalent for these words is “millennium,” this period of time is called “The Millennium.” It is the time when Christ shall reign on this earth (Isa 2:3; Dan 7:14, Zech 14:9. 

Kingdom: Universal vs Theocratic.

When Adam ruled the earth, he was God’s theocratic administrator of the earth. When Adam fell, that rule was taken away, and will be given to Christ upon His return to Earth to rule over His Kingdom on Earth, and to no one else in the time, in between. In the meantime Satan has gained the title of, “prince of the power of the air.” (Eph 2:1-2, 1 John 5:19, Luke 4:6). This power has been given by God to him (Luke 4:6; Matt 12:24; 9:34; 12:26; Rev 2:13), and has also given Satan power over some illnesses (Heb 2:14 (Got Questions.org) 

J. Dwight Pentecost, Things To Come.

Universal Kingdom. Ps 103:19, “The Lord has prepared His throne in the heavens; and his kingdom rules over all.” ( A good example is that God keeps Jupiter from bumping into Mars, mine.)

Theocratic Kingdom. From the onset of God’s program to manifest His sovereignty by His rule in this earthly sphere until the consummation of that program, when universal sovereignty is acknowledged (1 Cor 15:24), there has been one continuous, connected, progressive development of that program. While there might be various phases of the program and different media through which that sovereignty was exercised, it has been the development of one program. This whole program may be called the theocratic kingdom. Alva J. McClain defines this theocratic kingdom as: the rule of God through a divinely chosen representative who speaks for God; a rule which has “especial” reference to the human race, although it finally embraces the universe; and its mediatorial ruler is always a member of the human race. 

The theocratic kingdom is that which was discussed with the Jews by John the Baptist (Matt 3:2), Jesus (Matt 4:17), the disciples (Matt 10:7), and “the seventy” (Luke 10:9), and was offered, “only to Israel” (Matt 10:5-6). But the Jews rejected the offer to accept God’s chosen King and the Kingdom (Deu 17:15). The theocratic Kingdom offer was postponed (Matt 13:37-39) and will be offered again to the Jews during the Tribulation (Matt 24:14), who must receive the kingdom by calling on Christ before He will return to Earth from Heaven with His saints (Zech 12:10; Ps 118:26). This brings us to the second coming of Christ (Matt 24:29-30, Rev 19:11-21; Zech 14:1-5, 9), which also brings us to Rev 20, where the earth’s conditions will be of perfection, as shown in: Isa 2:1-4; 11:6-9). Christ will rule and reign, per Isa 9:6b-7. The theocratic kingdom will be instituted at the second advent of Christ (Things to Come, p 472, Dwight Pentecost), 

The role of Jesus is described as Prophet, Priest, and King, is discussed as follows: https://www.christianity.com/wiki/jesus-christ/mean-that-jesus-is-prophet-priest-and-king.html

What it Means That Jesus Is a Prophet

The role of a prophet in the Old Testament was to speak the word of God. Some would foretell events, perform healings, and/or do miracles. Jesus did all these things (Luke 1:76-77; Matt 4:17).

What it Means That Jesus Is a Priest

In the Old Testament, the priests were the temporary mediators between God and man. They offered the sacrifices required under the law. Within that priesthood was a single High Priest. He alone offered the sacrifice on the day of atonement that cleansed the people for one year. Jesus not only fulfilled the role of a priest but he exceeded the role of the High Priest removing our sins forever (Heb 4:15; 10:8-12). Jesus

What it Means That Jesus Is King

A king is one who has the rightful complete authority over another. This position was decreed over Jesus before his birth. “And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name Him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David; and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end” (Luke 1:31-33).

Jesus has passed from Prophet to Priest, where He is seated at the right hand of God making intercession for His believers (Rom 8:34). When He returns to earth, He will rule as King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Rev 19:16). At Present time, Jesus is not exercising His earthly role as King. At the time that Jesus sits on His throne in Jerusalem, the world will be of the condition of Isa 2:1-4, with that perfection and sinlessness that comes with such Kingdom authority being exercised by Jesus. 

In the overview of Dr. Pentecost he gave Scriptures that tell of various stages of “bodily” resurrection. But, it is important to understand the truth of 2 Cor 5:8, “absent from the body and to be at home with the Lord.” This promise is for saints of the Old Testament and New Testament periods. Body, soul, and spirit (1 Thes 5:23). The deceased body stays in the grave until the Resurrection takes place (1 Thes 4:16), at which time, the soul (mind, emotions, etc), is removed from the body and is in the Presence of God (Luke 16:23b). Upon the new birth, the spirit dwells within the Spirit of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (John 14:20).  At the time of the rapture, all living born again believers in Christ will be caught up to Heaven by Jesus (1 Thes 4:16-17). There will  be a reunion of believers, of all times, living and deceased, with their glorified bodies and souls, being with their born again spirits. 

Consider the commentary of the Ryrie Study Bible to the follow verses: Luke 1:32-33, “He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David; and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end.”

Ryrie Comment: As the Davidic Messiah, Jesus will reign over the “house of Jacob, which will happen in the millennial kingdom. This promise is not now being fulfilled, simply because the church is not the house of Jacob, and Christ is presently at the right hand of the Father, which is never equated with the throne of David.

The Kingship of Jesus during the coming kingdom is a prophetic fulfillment of the Davidic Covenant (2 Cor 7:8-16).  The Kingdom is “yet to come” (Acts 1:6-7), with the earthly conditions of Isa 2:1-4. The church is not spiritual Israel. The church is the church and Israel is Israel. The church has not replaced Israel, but will be grafted into the blessings of Israel during the Kingdom Age, such as is seen in Isa 2:1-4.  The church will be raptured after God’s purpose for the church has been fulfilled, with the “fullness of the Gentiles coming in” having been achieved (Rom 11:25). At such a time, God will turn His focus from the Church to Israel, where he will make the identity of Christ known to the Jews. See Ryrie Study Bible note: on Rom 11:25,  as follows:

Rom 11:25: Israel’s “hardening” is partial (Jews are being saved today) but temporary (“until” they acknowledge Jesus at His coming). “the fullness of the Gentiles.” I.e., the full number of Gentiles who will be saved (Acts 15:14). After that, God will turn again to the Jews and will save “all Israel” at the Lord’s return (v 26).

The Kingdom is a piece of real estate, as stated in Gen 15:18-21, which extends from the Nile River in Egypt, to the Euphrates River in Iraq. Such real estate can not be found within anyone. The Kingdom consists of Christ ruling and reigning on the earth, per the Davidic Covenant, and will have people ruling and reigning with Christ. No one can have people “within them.” In some Bible translations, Luke 17:21 is incorrectly translated, to say, “the kingdom of God is within you..” The  correct wording is, “the kingdom of God is in your midst.” per CSB, Darby, ESV, HCSB, NASB, NET, NIV, NLT. Consider the context. In Matt 19:28, Jesus said that the Apostles will rule and reign over the twelve tribes of Israel during the Kingdom Age; in 2 Tim 2:2 , Paul wrote said that New Testament believers will reign with Christ; interestingly enough, Paul said in 1 Cor 6:2-3 that believers will judge the world, and angels. The Prophet Ezekiel tells of the boundaries of the land of Israel, and the division of the land in Ezekiel 47:13-48:35. Consider Ezekiel 47:13: “This shall be the boundary by which you shall divide the land for an inheritance among the twelve tribes of Israel.” Two things are apparent. First, the land of Israel has not been divided among the twelve tribes of Israel; therefore, “the kingdom has not yet come.” Second, because the twelve tribes of Israel will reside, and be ruled within the land of Israel, non-Jews will not be ruling and reigning over Jews within the land of Israel, but will have such responsibility outside of the land of Israel, throughout the remaining lands of the world.

The grafting in process of gentiles into the blessings of the Jews, will not happen until when Christ returns to earth from heaven, with His born again believers following Him (Rev 19:11-14), thus fulfilling the Abrahamic Covenant with Israel (Gen 15; Deu 29-30 [Land, Land Covenant]; 2 Sam 7:8-16 [Seed, Davidic Covenant]; Jer 31:31-34 [Blessing, New Covenant]). In Revelation 20, we have discussed the Kingdom Age of the Millennial reign of Christ. We have discussed the “grafting in” of born again believers in Christ during the Kingdom age, and the “grafting in again” of Jews who come to belief in Christ (Rom 11:17-24), also during the Kingdom Age. Throughout the study of the Kingdom Age, context has been stressed. It is important to remember that God’s covenants were made with Israel, and not with the Church. The church will be blessed by God’s covenants with Israel, and is presently being blessed through a portion of the new covenant (Jer 31:33b). It must be remembered, though, that before Jesus returns to earth to rule and reign over the kingdom that Israel must accept a King (Jesus) of God’s choosing (Deu 17:15). Israel must call out to Jesus to come (Matt 23:39/Ps 118:26) and save them. Israel will not call out to Jesus to come until the end of the Tribulation period when they are about to be totally annihilated (Zech 12:10), when Israel will recognize Jesus as her Messiah, acknowledging with deep contrition that He was the One whom their forefathers had pierced (Jn 19:37), per Ryrie Study Bible. Regardless of how many Gentiles have believed in Christ for salvation, it will not be until after Israel calls on Jesus to be her Messiah that Jesus will return from Heaven to Earth to begin His rule and reign of the Earth, by sitting on His earthly throne. At the time that Christ assumes His kingship on His throne, on the earth, the conditions of Isa 2:1-4, 9:6-7, 32:18, will be present, and not until then. 

Ruling and reigning with Christ is a topic that will be discussed now. Israel is a nation that was promised land by God. The church is the body of Christ, and is not a nation, and has not been promised land. Jews will rule and reign with Christ, during the Kingdom Age, in the land of their promise (Matt 19:28). Christians have also been promised that they will rule and reign with Christ during the Kingdom Age (1 Cor 6:2-3). Gentiles who survive the Tribulation will be spread throughout the world, and will be required to go to Jerusalem (for the feast of Tabernacles, Zech 14:16-19; Feast of the New Year, Ezek 45:18-20; Feast of Passover Ezek 45:21-25.). They will go to Jerusalem to be taught by the King (Jesus) Isa 2:1-4. Gentiles will come to seek the favor of the LORD (Zech 8:21-23) and to seek the LORD. The physical Land of Israel, is a gift from God to the descendants of the bloodline of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (God’s chosen people, Deu 14:2). God’s chosen people will be ruling over “God’s chosen people,” in the land that has been chosen for Israel to possess. Gentiles will rule and reign, but it seems that such rule will not force the Jews out of the land of God’s choice for them. The remainder of the world, beyond the borders of Israel, will need to have Godly rule and reign over it; it is in that area which is beyond the borders of Israel that saved Gentiles will rule and reign over other saved, and unsaved, Gentiles (at least it seems reasonable to me).

We have considered the events that lead to the Tribulation, and the conditions within the Tribulation. We have considered the Kingdom Age. Our next stop on the road to eternity is a study of the eternal state of the new heaven, new earth and new Jerusalem, which will be the focus of Revelation 21-22.  The Kingdom Age will come to an end, as stated by 1 Cor 15:24: “then comes the end, when He (Jesus) hands over the kingdom to the God and Father, when He has abolished all rule and all authority and power;” at that time, the eternal state of the new heaven, new earth, and new Jerusalem,” will begin (Rev 21:1-2). Jews never had a promise of going to Heaven; they believed that God was in Heaven, but not that they would “go up” to Heaven. Jews believed that the Kingdom will be on earth, which is true. The mystery of the eternal state will become clear to the Jews, at least by the time when saved Jews enter into the eternal state.

After certain horrible and deadly events have happened on earth, people have often said, “God is in control.” We must remember, however, that following the fall of Adam, with the resulting curse (Gen 3:14-24), that everything of the perfection of Genesis 1 and 2, has been “no more.” That is why people die, sickness is so horrible, and animals make deadly attacks on other animals and on people. The curse will be minimized during the Millennium (Rev 20: 7-9), and “will be no more” during the eternal state (Rev 21:3-4, 22:3).

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus told the Jews to pray for the Kingdom to come in Matt 6:9-10, “thy Kingdom come.” On the day that Jesus ascended to Heaven, the disciples asked Jesus, in Acts 1:6, “Lord, is it at this time You are restoring the kingdom to Israel?” Jesus had just spent forty days with His disciples. If the Kingdom had “already come,” Jesus would have explained that key teaching of Israel and the end times to His disciples. Jesus spoke to His disciples in Matt 24:5, “many will come in my name, saying I am the Christ.” He added vs 29-30, (which relates to people who will be left behind from the rapture, and will be alive at the end of the tribulation),

29 “But immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 30 And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory.”

It is clear from the verses that have been shown in this article that, “the Kingdom has not yet come.” Considering all of the crime, corruption and the other horrible things that are taking place in the world, if Christ were on the throne ruling the earth, “He would be doing a very poor job.”

VIII. My Bucket List shows the references, of people and documents, that I use when I write my articles.


IX. My Websites To Follow.

https://equippingblog.wordpress.com/ Eternity

https://untotheleastofthese.home.blog/ Equipping The Saints Website

https://thechurchoftheopendoor.wordpress.com/ Israel Website

https://success2693.wordpress.com/ Israel, History And Prophecy

Revelation Prophecy – Chapters 17-18

Why is Babylon singled out for destruction?

I. Video Data.  John Ankerberg Show. Dr. John Ankerberg,  (M. Div., D. Min.), (Dr. Jimmy DeYoung (M. Div., Ph. D., 1940-2021).

II. Introduction.  Dr. C.I. Scofield (D. D.; 1843-1921) Scofield Study Bible (1909, 1917, 1937, 1945, 1984, 1998, 2002, 2006, Editor, C.I. Scofield, Editorial Revision 1967 Committee Members: Charles L. Feinberg, Th. B., Th. M., Th. D., Ph. D., John F. Walvoord, Th. B., Th. M., Th. D.).

The Doom Of Babylon, Revelation Chapters 17-18

A. 17:1-6 – The great prostitute exerts power over the revived fourth world empire.

B. 17:7-13 – The prostitute is overthrown.

C. 18: 1-8 – Babylon destroyed.

D. 18:9-19 – Earth dwellers bewail Babylon’s destruction.

E. 18:20-24 – Heaven rejoices over Babylon’s fall.

III. Overview.

A. Dr. Kendell H. Easley (M. Div.; Ph. D.) The Book of Revelation, Holman New Testament Commentary.

“Babylon the Great,” mistress of the world. God will judge her directly and dramatically. 

B. Dr. David Jeremiah. (Th. M., D.D.) Jeremiah Study Bible. 

Babylon, in all its religious, political, and economic glory, will be reduced to an ash heap by One with greater authority and glory.

C.  Dr. John Phillips (D. Min; 1927-2010) Revelation Commentary. 

The Babylonish system is both religious and political. The religious system paves the way for the political system, but in the end the political system supplants the religious one. The religious system is symbolized as the Babylonian mother; the political system is symbolized as the Babylonian monster. 

D. Dr. Daniel Green (Th. D., D. Min.) The Moody Bible Commentary.

This part of John’s revelation describes the end for the city of Babylon on the Euphrates, and the world of people that followed her ways. It highlighted the truth of the apostle’s earlier writing (1 Jn 2:15-17). All who loved the power, idolatry, and riches of the world so exemplified by the city would see their dreams destroyed before their eyes. 

E. Dr. Robert L. Thomas  (Th. M., Th. D.; 1928-2017). Revelation Commentary.

The seventh bowl description does not terminate at the end of Chapter 16, but continues into Chapters 17-18 with a detailing of Babylon’s downfall. 

F. Dr. Charles L. Feinberg (Th. B., Th. M., Th. D., Ph. D., 1909-1995).

That the theme of Babylon is an important one in the Revelation can be seen from the fact that the Spirit of God devotes two chapters in this essential book of prophecy to the subject. From Genesis 10:10, which is the first mention, to (Rev) 18:21, which is the last reference, this subject of biblical revelation and prophecy is given extraordinary prominence. 

G. Dr. John F. Walvoord (Th. B., Th. M., Th. D., 1910-2002) The Revelation of Jesus Christ.

Chapters 17 and 18 of Revelation are dedicated to the description of the final destruction of Babylon in both its ecclesiastical and political forms. John is shown the vision of the destruction of Babylon, as representing false religion, by one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and is invited to behold the judgment of a woman, the symbol of Babylon, described as the great whore (Gr., porne„, usually translated “harlot”), who is seen sitting on many waters. The interpretation of “waters” is that these are the many nations ruled by Babylon. In chapter 18, the context seems to indicate that Babylon here is viewed in its political and economic character rather than in its religious aspect. It seems that chapter 17 deals with the religious aspect and chapter 18 with the political and economic aspects of Babylon. 18:4-8: A voice from Heaven instructed the people of God to leave the city so that they would escape the judgment to come on it (vv. 4-5). Death, mourning, and famine, also fire, will come on the city in one day (v. 8). [See Ryrie comment below (18:4)]

H. Dr. J. Dwight Pentecost (Th. B., Th., D., 1915-2014) Things To Come:

1. P195. The  nature of  the 70th week (The Tribulation) is divine “wrath”  and divine “judgment” (Rev 17:1). Jesus bore for us (believers in Christ) His judgment; therefore we who are in Him “shall not come into Judgment” (1 Thes 5:9).

2. P 215. The only organized church ever mentioned in the tribulation period is the Jezebel system (Rev 2:22) and the harlot system (Rev. 17-18).  If the true church were on earth, since it is not mentioned as separate from the apostate system, it must be a part of that apostasy. Such a conclusion is impossible. The believing witnesses, converted during the period, are specifically said to have kept themselves from defilement by this apostate system (Rev 14:4). Since the church is not mentioned as also having kept herself from this system it must be concluded that the church is not there. 

3. P231. “The events of the Day of the Lord” will include the overthrow of the false professing church (Rev 17-18). 

4. P354. The invasion of the land of Israel by the northern confederacy will bring the Beast and his armies to the defense of Israel as her protector. (Daniel 11:40-45)

5. P356. The Beast moves his headquarters into the land of Israel and assembles his armies there. It is there that his destruction will come (Daniel 11:40-45). During the time that the Beast  (Antichrist) is headquartered in Israel, he will make a covenant with Israel, and midway during the covenant period, he will break that covenant with Israel (P 234).

6. P357. With the King of the South defeated by the armies of the Beast, and the northern confederacy defeated by the Lord on the mountains of Israel, we find two opposing forces drawn up in battle array — the armies of the Beast and the armies of the Kings of the East ((Daniel 11:40-45). 

7. P364. The religious system under the Beast is an organized system of worldwide scope (Rev 17:15). The system will be destroyed by the Beast, so that his supremacy may not be threatened (Rev 17:16-17)

8. P368. Regarding the Judgment of the Beast and his armies. In tracing the campaign of Armageddon, it has been seen how God judges the Gentile world powers and brings about their downfall. The northern confederacy was judged by God upon the mountains of Israel in the middle of the Tribulation period. The Kings of the East and their forces, and the armies of the Beast were seen to be destroyed at the second coming of Christ to the earth.

IV. Scripture Text. Revelation Chapters 17-18 (NASB 1995). Link pasted from Bible Gateway. 


Revelation Chapters 17-18 New American Standard Bible 1995

V. Verse Examination. Revelation 17-18.

Dr. Charles C. Ryrie (Th. M., Th. D., Ph. D.; 1925-2016) Ryrie Study Bible.

A. 17:1. Babylon is represented as a “whore ” whose unfaithfulness affects many people and nations (the “waters” as explained in v. 15). 

B. 17:3. “a scarlet beast.” A reference to Antichrist and his allies on whom Babylon sits (controls).

C. 17:8. This would place the events of this chapter (17) in the first half of the Tribulation before Antichrist comes out of the abyss at its midpoint (cf. 11:7; 13:11).

D. 17:10. “seven kings.” The seven heads of vs. 9, are seven kings, probably a selective list either of Roman emperors or world empires.

E. 17:12. “ten kings.” The 10-nation federation that will be headed by Antichrist. “one hour.”  I.e., for one purpose (as in Luke 22:53). 

F. 17:15. The apostate church will be ecumenical, or worldwide.

G 17:16. “these will hate the harlot.” The political power headed by Antichrist will overthrow the false church organization (probably at mid-point of the Tribulation). 

H. 18:2  “fallen.” The Kings lament this destruction (vs. 9), which apparently will occur at the end of the Tribulation. 

I. 18:4. “my people.” God’s people are to separate themselves from the Babylonian system. (See Walvoord comment above, 18:4).

J. 18:8. “in one day.” The judgment will be consummated in a single day, as it happened once before to Babylon, when it was taken by Darius (Dan. 5:1, 3-5, 30). 

K. 18:20. “God has pronounced judgment for you against her. I. e., Heaven and the martyrs may now rejoice.

L 18:21. Babylon will sink into the sea like a rock. 

V. Summary.

Dr. Orville J. Nave, Nave’s Study Bible, 1978 (D.D., LL. D., 1841-1917). Orville J. Nave (Editor). Anna Seamans Nave (Editor).

In these seventeenth and eighteenth chapters of Revelation, we considered the following: 17:1 A woman arrayed in purple and scarlet, with a golden cup in her hand, sits upon the beast. 5 The mystery of the woman is explained. 18:1 The fall of Babylon. 4 The people of God commanded to come out of her. 9 The lamentation of kings, 11 of merchants, 17 and of seamen, over her fall. 20 The saints are bidden to rejoice. 21 Babylon shall be found no more. 

VI. Parting Thoughts. 

A. The name, Babylon, is written 273 times in the Bible. There is no reason to believe that in Revelation Chapters 14-18, another name is intended for Babylon. Some people have said that when Peter mentions “Babylon” in 1 Peter 5:13, he is using a code that means that he is actually writing from Rome. There is no evidence that Peter was ever in Rome. Paul was said to be the Apostle to the Gentiles (Rom 11:13), with Peter being the Apostle to the Jews (Gal 2:7). Consider Romans 1:11, “I long to see you so that I may impart some spiritual gift to you, that you may be established.” Is Paul saying that since Peter didn’t do a good enough job in Rome, that Paul is going there “to clean up his mess?” If Peter had been in Rome, Paul would not have written such words (Rom 1:11). In 536 B.C. 49, 897 Jews returned to Jerusalem from 70 years of Babylonian captivity. However, many remained in Babylon (Ezra 2:64-65) (Ryrie Study Bible).  The Book of Esther (465 B. C.) describes life for the Jews who remained in Babylon, and the attempted annihilation of the Jews by Haman (Esther 3:1-15, 474 B.C.). There is every reason to believe that Babylon means Babylon. In the Revelation that was given to the Apostle John, of this Chapter 17-18 narrative, was a view of the city of Babylon, far into the future. John saw the city of Babylon, and wrote of that which he saw.

B. The words of Revelation 17:5 are important to be considered in context. 

(CSB) On her forehead was written a name, a mystery: Babylon the Great, the Mother of Prostitutes and of the Detestable Things of the Earth.

(ESV) And on her forehead was written a name of mystery: “Babylon the great, mother of prostitutes and of earth’s abominations.”


(NASB 1995) and on her forehead a name was written, a mystery, “BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.”

(NET) On her forehead was written a name, a mystery: “Babylon the Great, the Mother of prostitutes and of the detestable things of the earth.”

(NIV) The name written on her forehead was a mystery: Babylon the great the mother of prostitutes and of the abominations of the earth.

(NLT) A mysterious name was written on her forehead: “Babylon the Great, Mother of All Prostitutes and Obscenities in the World.”

(KJV) And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth.


C. Rev 17:7 discusses “the mystery” of Babylon. 

1. (NASB) “And the angel said to me, “Why do you wonder? I will tell you the mystery of the woman and of the beast that carries her, which has the seven heads and the ten horns.”

2. The development of evil unto its culmination in the man of sin (2 Thess. 2:7) and the development of the great apostate system religious system (Rev. 17:5, 7) both constitute that which was called a mystery (Pentecost, Things to Come, p 135).

D.  Rev 17:18 shows that Babylon is the name of a city, and not the second word of the incorrect rendering of,  “MYSTERY, BABYLON.”

(NASB 1995). The woman whom you saw is the great city, which reigns over the kings of the earth.”

E. Context is necessary for the understanding of Scripture.  All of the Bible is for us, but not all of the Bible is about us. Lev 24:23 was in context, in the Jewish understanding of Scripture during the time of the Law.  However, it is out of context to say that we stone people today who act improperly. Israel is Israel, and the church is the church; both are addressed in the New Testament (78 times for Israel, and 112 times for the Church.) Israel consists of Jews of the bloodline of Abraham, through Isaac and Jacob. The church consists of the body of Christ (Col 1:24). Gentiles can never become Jews, thereby entering into the Jewish bloodline (whether the Gentiles are Christian, or not). Jews, on the other hand, can become part of the body of Christ, as can Gentiles, through belief in Christ (John 14:20, 2 Cor 5:17).  When we are born again (John 3:3), our spirit enters into the Spirit of Father, Son and Holy Spirit (1 Jn 1:5), with the Spirit of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, dwelling within our spirit (Col 1:27). However, it is not until we are physically in the Kingdom on the earth that we will be grafted into the blessings of the Jews, at which time the Abrahamic Covenant will have been fulfilled. Jesus told the Jews to pray for the Kingdom come (Matt 6:10). At the time that Jesus was to ascend to Heaven (Acts 1:4-7), after the Apostles asked Him if He would, at that time, restore the Kingdom to Israel, that He said, “it was not for them to know the times or the seasons which the Father had put in His own power,” which meant that “the kingdom had not yet come.” During our study of the Kingdom, we will also discuss the roles of Jesus as Prophet (past), Priest (present), and King (future).

VI. My Bucket List shows the references, of people and documents, that I use when I write my articles.


VII. My Websites To Follow.

https://equippingblog.wordpress.com/ Eternity

https://untotheleastofthese.home.blog/ Equipping The Saints Website

https://thechurchoftheopendoor.wordpress.com/ Israel Website

https://success2693.wordpress.com/ Israel, History And Prophecy