Honor Due – Honor Given “The Dignified Transfer”

Sergeant Mycal L. Prince, Oklahoma Army National Guard,
Dignified Transfer: A fallen soldier’s final journey home

Parents, Tell Your Children, “We Are Americans – Don’t Take A Knee”


Published on Oct 9, 2011

When an American soldier dies overseas, they are returned to the U.S. the same way each time. Byron Pitts follows one fallen soldier in his final journey home in what the military calls a “dignified transfer.”

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Author: Eternity

The Church is the Church, and Israel is Israel. The Church did not replace Israel, and is not spiritual Israel. In the New Testament, ā€œchurchā€ and ā€œIsraelā€ are mentioned as being separate entities. In the New Testament ā€œchurchā€ is mentioned 112 times; Israel is mentioned 79 times; both are mentioned as being separate entities The Kingdom ā€œhas not yet come,ā€ and will not come until the Jewish bloodline of Israel accepts Godā€™s chosen king (Deuteronomy 17:15), which will take place at the end of the Tribulation when the nation of Israel faces decimation and calls on Messiah, Christ, in faith, to save them (Zechariah 12:10). Individual salvation is of the Jews (John 4:22), and comes through Christ (John 14:6). Things are discussed in this website that relate to Godā€™s creation, from ā€œeternity to eternity,ā€ and all that is addressed within those parameters. Consider Isaiah 43:13, ā€œEven from eternity I am He, And there is no one who can rescue from My hand; I act, and who can reverse it?ā€ The Moody Study Bible adds a comment: ā€œGod is the ruler of all, and there is nothing that can stand against Him. His will is irresistible. The Bible Knowledge Commentary adds this thought: ā€œNo one can reverse what God puts into action or thwart His plans.ā€ The articles that are found in this site may relate to anything that is found in the Bible, from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21. I would like to add a word of caution concerning blog writing and personal security. Many of my followers reside in foreign lands, of which many are hostile to the Word of God. Therefore, I will not provide my name, place of residence, or anything else that could lead a person to know anything about me. I recommend that all writers adopt the same method of personal security.

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