6 Armageddon – Yom Kippur – Live Or Die

Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, September 18-19, 2018, is perhaps the most important holiday in the Jewish calendar. It marks the end of a period of introspection and repentance. No work is performed, and most of the holiday is spent in prayer (This video was recorded in 2017, which is the reason for the variance in festival dates).

There is a significant relationship that exists between the Feast of Trumpets and The Day of Atonement. The feast of trumpets relates to the return of Christ to earth at the end of the Tribulation for the Battle of Armageddon (more correctly stated, “the campaign of Armageddon,” due to more than one battle that will have taken place), when He defeats the forces of Satan (Rev 19:11-21), and when He regathers the Jewish people, of whom had missed “the rapture/the catching up of believers in Christ” (John 14:16, 1 Cor 15:50-54, 1 Thes 4:13-18).

When the blowing of the trumpets occurs, the angels will gather the remaining Jews on earth, those of whom had missed the rapture (Matt 24:29-31). The Jews whom were born again during the Tribulation will be left behind to enter the Kingdom Age, also known as the Millennium. Those whom had not been born again will be taken to judgment, which begins with immediate death (Matt 24:27-28; 24:40-41/Luke 17:34-37), and ends with the Great White Throne Judgment (Rev 20:11-15); that judgment occurs at the end of the thousand-year millennium. The same reward and judgment will be afforded gentiles of the Tribulation (Matt 24:31-34, 41, 46). Therefore, “The Feast Of Trumpets” has a great place of significance in the study of the end times, as has the “Day of Atonement.”

Romans 11:26 states, “all Israel will be saved.” The verse relates to the nation of Israel being given the land of the Abrahamic covenant (Gen 12:1-3, 15:18-21). Only saved Jews will enter that land, and the Kingdom Age. The Kingdom Age will begin at the end of the tribulation. Saved, born again, Jews will enter the land that God stated in the Abrahamic Covenant. The requirement for anyone to enter the Kingdom is, “you must be born again” (John 3:3).

The fulfillment of the Day of Atonement is found in the second coming of Christ to earth, at the end of the tribulation (Matt 24:29-31; Zechariah 14:1-15; ). Key to understanding the time of the return of Christ to earth at the Battle of Armageddon is the need for the Jews whom are present on earth “to call on Christ” to return; this will happen because those Jews will have come to know Christ as their Messiah. Consider Psalm 118:26, Matt 23:39, “Blessed is He Who comes in the Name of the Lord.” See the closing video.

See the following Scofield Study Bible note, as he connects the Feast of Trumpets to the Day of Atonement.

Leviticus 23:24, Trumpets

The feast of Trumpets, Leviticus 23:23-25. This feast is a prophetical type and refers to the future regathering of long-dispersed Israel. A long interval elapses between Pentecost and Trumpets, answering to the long period occupied in the pentecostal work of the Holy Spirit in the present dispensation. Study carefully; Isaiah 18:3; Isaiah 27:13 (with contexts); Isaiah 58:1-14 (entire chapter), and; Joel 2:1 to Joel 3:21; in connection with the “trumpets,” and it will be seen that these trumpets, always symbols of testimony, are connected with the regathering and repentance of Israel after the church, or pentecostal period is ended. This feast is immediately followed by the day of atonement.

What is Yom Kippur? The Jewish High Holiday. In this article we will discuss the Jewish observance of Yom Kippur/Day Of Atonement. We will also explain the fulfillment in Christ of this holiest of all Jewish days.
“Yom Kippur/The Day of Atonement” (Sundown Tuesday, Sep, 18 until after nightfall on Wednesday, Sep 19.) Consider the following article that comes from Chabad.org, which is a Jewish website.

Yom Kippur In Brief https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/177886/jewish/What-Is-Yom-Kippur.htm

What: Yom Kippur is the holiest day of the year, when we are closest to G‑d and to the essence of our souls. Yom Kippur means “Day of Atonement,” as the verse states, “For on this day He will forgive you, to purify you, that you be cleansed from all your sins before G‑d.”

When: The 10th day of Tishrei (in 2018, from several minutes before sunset on Tuesday, Sept 18, until after nightfall on Wednesday, September 19), coming on the heels of Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year, which is on the first and second days of Tishrei).

How: For nearly 26 hours we “afflict our souls”: we abstain from food and drink, do not wash or apply lotions or creams, do not wear leather footwear, and abstain from marital relations. Instead, we spend the day in synagogue, praying for forgiveness.

My Thoughts On Yom Kippur, The Day Of Atonement.

In relation to the Old Testament teaching of The Day of Atonement, we must understand that the Jews were faced with the reality of living or dying. The living aspect was a physical state of life that would be extended for another year, until the next Day of Atonement. For the Jews, death would result in a physical state of death. Neither living, nor dying, as related to the Day of Atonement, had any relationship with eternal spiritual life, or eternal spiritual death. As relating to spiritual eternal life or death, we will address those issues also in this article.

The Days Of Awe

Consider The Days Of Awe And The Book Of Life. The following information is important for believers in Christ to understand, as well as unbelieving Jews and all others whom do not know Christ as their Lord and Savior. Therefore, reinforcement is used in this article to provide a proper understanding of the subject.

The subject of having someone’s name blotted out of the Book of Life has often been improperly taught. During the days of their mortal life, Jews realize that God has all power over life’s physical existence, which has nothing to do with the Lamb’s Book of Life. The Lamb’s Book of Life contains all of the names of those whom have been born again, and whose eternity with God “is sealed” in the Lamb’s Book Of Life, and can never be removed. Unbelieving Jews believe that God makes a determination each year as to whom will live for another year and, “that decision,” will hold fast for another year. Jews use the Days Of Awe as a time of repentance to get right with others, and with God.

To be written in the Book of Life – To be sealed in the Book of Life.

It is a Jewish belief that during the Days of Awe (Sep 9-19, 2018), that begin on Rosh Hashanah, and extend through the completion of the Day of Atonement, “through their repentance,” they can alter God’s decree that He issued on Rosh Hashanah, as to whom will live for another year. During the Days of Awe, Jews may greet each other with the following words.

“L’Shanah Tovah” (li-SHAH-nuh TOH-vuh; li-shah-NAH toh-VAH)
Hebrew. Lit. for a good year. A common greeting during Rosh Hashanah and Days of Awe. It is an abbreviation of L’shanah tovah tikatev v’taihatem (May you be inscribed and sealed for a good year). The second pronunciation above is the proper Hebrew pronunciation, but I more commonly hear the first pronunciation, which is Yiddish style. The greeting may also be spoken as, “may your name be found in the Book of Life.”

A verse that shows the removal of someone from the book of life, is as follows. (Please remember that the verse has nothing to do with a loss of eternal life with God.)

Exodus 32:32 New American Standard Bible

“But now, if You will, forgive their sin– and if not, please blot me out from Your book which You have written!”

MacArthur Study Bible note. 32:32 blot me out of Your book. Nothing more strongly marked the love of Moses for his people than his sincere willingness to offer up his own life rather than see them disinherited and destroyed. The book to which Moses referred, the psalmist entitled “the book of the living” (Ps. 69:28). Untimely or premature death would constitute being blotted out of the book. The Apostle Paul displayed a similar passionate devotion for his kinsmen (Rom. 9:1–3).

My note. Moses was telling God to take his mortal life; it was for a cause. There is nothing in this verse to say that Moses wanted his eternal life or spirit to be taken from him by God.

Ryrie Study Bible note: “book.” A register of the physically living. To be blotted out meant to experience an untimely death. By contrast, the NT book of life (Rev 13:8, etc) is the register of those who have eternal life.

It is incorrect to believe that because a person has been given a premature death by God, that such a person has lost their salvation, such as has been suggested in the case of Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1-11). If that couple had been born again, they would not have been unborn, and would not have become unsaved. Once we have been born again, having come to belief in Christ as our Lord in Savior, our eternity with Christ has been sealed in the Lamb’s Book Of Life…forever (Ephesians 1:13, Revelation 3:5). The key question for each person is: “have you been born again; do you know Christ as your Lord and Savior?”

Let’s consider Ananias and Sapphira. It is obvious by their actions that they had become an embarrassment upon God’s people, and also upon God. The same thing can happen today. If a born again believer in Christ begins to act in a way that is embarrassing to God, such a backslider may be given, “a quick trip home,” to heaven. Such a person is acting like an unbeliever, and is an embarrassment upon the Gospel of Christ. Consider the following verse of consideration.

1 John 5:16 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

16 If anyone sees his brother committing a sin not leading to death, he shall ask and God will for him give life to those who commit sin not leading to death. There is a sin leading to death; I do not say that he should make request for this.

Death may refer either to spiritual or physical death, though physical death is probably the case in the above verse. The “Brother” does not lose his salvation, but leaves this life prematurely. For the unbeliever, “unbelief” in Christ is the sin that results in eternal spiritual death; its finality is realized after physical death occurs. (John 3:18)

Consider the following scriptures that tell of the Day of Atonement, and its fulfillment in Christ.

Leviticus 23:26-32 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

The Day of Atonement

26 The Lord spoke to Moses, saying, 27 “On exactly the tenth day of this seventh month is the day of atonement; it shall be a holy convocation for you, and you shall humble your souls and present an offering by fire to the Lord. 28 You shall not do any work on this same day, for it is a day of atonement, to make atonement on your behalf before the Lord your God. 29 If there is any person who will not humble himself on this same day, he shall be cut off from his people. 30 As for any person who does any work on this same day, that person I will destroy from among his people. 31 You shall do no work at all. It is to be a perpetual statute throughout your generations in all your dwelling places. 32 It is to be a sabbath of complete rest to you, and you shall humble your souls; on the ninth of the month at evening, from evening until evening you shall keep your sabbath.”

Also: Leviticus 16:1-34, Numbers 29:7-11.

MacArthur Study Bible note. 23:26–32 Day of Atonement. The annual Day of Atonement pointed to the forgiveness and cleansing of sin for the priests, the nation, and the tabernacle (see notes on 16:1–34).

MacArthur Study Bible note. Lev 16:34 once a year. The better sacrifice of Jesus Christ was offered once-for-all, never to be repeated (cf. Heb. 9:11—10:18). Upon that sacrifice all forgiveness of sin is based, including that of OT believers.

The fulfillment of the Day of Atonement comes through the Substitutionary Sacrifice by Christ.

Romans 11:26 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

26 and so all Israel will be saved; just as it is written, “The Deliverer will come from Zion,
He will remove ungodliness from Jacob.”

MacArthur Study Bible note. 11:26 all Israel. All the elect Jewish people alive at the end of the Tribulation, not the believing remnant of Jews within the church during this church age (see notes on vv. 5, 17). Since the remnant has already embraced the truth of the gospel (see note on v. 25), it could not be in view here, since it no longer needs the salvation this verse promises. The Deliverer will come out of Zion. See Pss. 14:7; 53:6; Is. 46:13. The Lord Jesus Christ’s millennial rule will be associated with Mt. Zion (see notes on Ps. 110:2; Heb. 12:22). Zion. See note on 9:33.

NKJV Study Bible note. 11:26 All Israel does not mean that every individual in the nation will turn to the Lord. It means that the nation as a whole will be saved, just as the nation as a whole (but not every individual in it) was now rejecting the Lord.

Consider the substitutionary sacrifice of Christ for us.

2 Corinthians 5:21 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

21 He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

Because of Adam’s sin, and the following curse that came upon all of God’s creation, we were born “to be sin”. Sin was our eternal state upon our becoming an embryo; we “were” fully sin, “spirit, soul and body.” Christ who, “was not sin,” became sin even though He “did not sin,” so that He could pay sin’s penalty on our behalf. We became the righteousness of God when we were born again. We were spiritually born again to spiritually dwell “in the Spirit of Christ.” (please notice the word “spiritually”)

Romans 3:25 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

25 whom God displayed publicly as a propitiation in His blood through faith. This was to demonstrate His righteousness, because in the forbearance of God He passed over the sins previously committed;

MacArthur Study Bible note. 3:25. propitiation. Crucial to the significance of Christ’s sacrifice, this word carries the idea of appeasement or satisfaction—in this case Christ’s violent death satisfied the offended holiness and wrath of God against those for whom Christ died (Is. 53:11; Col. 2:11–14).

The result of Christ’s becoming sin, “on our behalf,” is known as propitiation, per the Merriam Webster definition. Notice, “atoning sacrifice.”

Definition of propitiation

1 : the act of propitiating
2 : something that propitiates; specifically : an atoning sacrifice

We have studied. Now, let’s worship.

Paul Wilbur Baruch Haba Blessed Is He Who Comes (Remember the words)

Please follow my blog: https://equippingblog.wordpress.com/

Please notice a correction that I made on the previous post about the feasts:

“6 To Armageddon – The Feasts – Rosh Hashanah/Feast Of Trumpets.”

The scriptural significance of “Rosh Hashanah/The Feast Of Trumpets” is discussed in the following video. However, I must provide a disclaimer. The video states that the Feast of Trumpets relates to the rapture of the church. However, the rapture of the church relates to “the church,” and not to Israel. The Feast of Trumpets, in truth, relates to the regathering of Israel at the end of the tribulation. Scriptures, and scripture comments, will explain my disclaimer.

Feast of Trumpets Explained in One Minute

Author: Eternity

The Church is the Church, and Israel is Israel. The Church did not replace Israel, and is not spiritual Israel. In the New Testament, “church” and “Israel” are mentioned as being separate entities. In the New Testament “church” is mentioned 112 times; Israel is mentioned 79 times; both are mentioned as being separate entities The Kingdom “has not yet come,” and will not come until the Jewish bloodline of Israel accepts God’s chosen king (Deuteronomy 17:15), which will take place at the end of the Tribulation when the nation of Israel faces decimation and calls on Messiah, Christ, in faith, to save them (Zechariah 12:10). Individual salvation is of the Jews (John 4:22), and comes through Christ (John 14:6). Things are discussed in this website that relate to God’s creation, from “eternity to eternity,” and all that is addressed within those parameters. Consider Isaiah 43:13, “Even from eternity I am He, And there is no one who can rescue from My hand; I act, and who can reverse it?” The Moody Study Bible adds a comment: “God is the ruler of all, and there is nothing that can stand against Him. His will is irresistible. The Bible Knowledge Commentary adds this thought: “No one can reverse what God puts into action or thwart His plans.” The articles that are found in this site may relate to anything that is found in the Bible, from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21. I would like to add a word of caution concerning blog writing and personal security. Many of my followers reside in foreign lands, of which many are hostile to the Word of God. Therefore, I will not provide my name, place of residence, or anything else that could lead a person to know anything about me. I recommend that all writers adopt the same method of personal security.

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